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Wastebook 2013

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 6:34 pm
by SciFi Chick

Re: Wastebook 2013

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 7:35 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
As I started to read the the document, I figured this was another Tea Party Nutjob ranting away.

However, right or wrong, he attempts to present his case on wasteful US government spending rather reasonably (and no I won't comment on that, why? I have enough issues with MY government spending to stick my nose in other people's countries :P ) even if the document in question seems to me presented in a rather silly way. (I have a similar issue that Mr Mono has with smilies regarding "purdy pictures" in a document that is supposed to deal with non-trivial stuff)

So, I read up some more on the guy and at least he doesn't seem to be spouting religious nonsense.


Coburn and Barack Obama are personally friendly and have worked together on political ethics reform legislation, to set up an online federal spending database and to crack down on no-bid contracting at the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. In April 2011, Coburn spoke to Bloomberg TV about Obama, saying, "I love the man. I think he's a neat man. I don't want him to be president, but I still love him. He is our President. He's my President. And I disagree with him adamantly on 95% of the issues, but that doesn't mean I can't have a great relationship. And that's a model people ought to follow."

So, with a quote like that, at least he earned the right to be taken seriously IMHO.