Another Goddamned Fairytale

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Tics-blood sucking insects

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Another Goddamned Fairytale

Postby Sigma_Orionis » Sat Jan 25, 2014 6:43 pm

Davos 2014: The refugee experience for the wealthy

What next? a "woman voter" experience for Republican Congress Critters?

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Last edited by Sigma_Orionis on Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Another Goddamned Fairytale

Postby SciFi Chick » Fri Jan 31, 2014 2:30 pm

That's just disgusting.
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Re: Another Goddamned Fairytale

Postby SciFiFisher » Fri Jan 31, 2014 5:20 pm

Sometimes the good idea fairy comes along and "BANG!" :P
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Re: Another Goddamned Fairytale

Postby OldCM » Fri Jan 31, 2014 7:50 pm

Sigma_Orionis wrote:What next? a "woman voter" experience for Republican Congress Critters?

Edited to fix link

Well, methinks they could use one. They don't seem to have any idea on their own.

JMO, of course.
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Re: Another Goddamned Fairytale

Postby brite » Fri Jan 31, 2014 10:02 pm

OldCM wrote:
Sigma_Orionis wrote:What next? a "woman voter" experience for Republican Congress Critters?

Edited to fix link

Well, methinks they could use one. They don't seem to have any idea on their own.

JMO, of course.

They had lessons....

Not that it's helped, mind you...

They also took lessons on how to talk to the unemployed...

I worry about these people....
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Re: Another Goddamned Fairytale

Postby OldCM » Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:32 am

brite wrote: They had lessons....

Not that it's helped, mind you...

They also took lessons on how to talk to the unemployed...

I worry about these people....

May they had Huckabee give the lessons? Certainly not anyone who told them to STFU. Too bad. Somebody should have.
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Re: Another Goddamned Fairytale

Postby FZR1KG » Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:51 am

brite wrote:They also took lessons on how to talk to the unemployed...

I think the general public needs to be given training on how to talk with out of touch self interested politicians.
Or I should invent a device that translates political spin into plain easy to understand language.
"We re currently discussing the proposals with several key experts in an effort to find the most effective proposal that best suits the needs of industry"
"Give us your proposals with a non returnable cheque made out to our offshore untraceable accounts and we'll pass any proposal unmodified through the senate but for only the highest bidder. How much is it worth to you? Don't be cheap now or you won't have a chance to win. *smile* *wink* "

Re: Another Goddamned Fairytale

Postby brite » Sat Feb 01, 2014 7:14 pm

OldCM wrote:
brite wrote: They had lessons....

Not that it's helped, mind you...

They also took lessons on how to talk to the unemployed...

I worry about these people....

May they had Huckabee give the lessons? Certainly not anyone who told them to STFU. Too bad. Somebody should have.
Huckabee needs to get down on his knees and thank the Gods for women's libidos!
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Re: Another Goddamned Fairytale

Postby OldCM » Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:38 pm

brite wrote:Huckabee needs to get down on his knees and thank the Gods for women's libidos!

Yes, doesn't he though. :D

I really feel sorry for some of the wives of these 'conservatives' (just what do they conserve anyhow). Many of them must be terribly brow-beaten (verbally) to put up with some of their BS about women: be subservient, etc.
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Re: Another Goddamned Fairytale

Postby geonuc » Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:19 pm

OldCM wrote:
brite wrote:Huckabee needs to get down on his knees and thank the Gods for women's libidos!

Yes, doesn't he though. :D

I really feel sorry for some of the wives of these 'conservatives' (just what do they conserve anyhow). Many of them must be terribly brow-beaten (verbally) to put up with some of their BS about women: be subservient, etc.

I hate to generalize, especially about something so important, but given many conservatives apparent disdain for the welfare of women, I worry that the abuse is not just verbal.
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Re: Another Goddamned Fairytale

Postby OldCM » Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:25 am

geonuc wrote:I hate to generalize, especially about something so important, but given many conservatives apparent disdain for the welfare of women, I worry that the abuse is not just verbal.

My grandmother, in her old age, married a man not related to us. She had always been a Baptist and a piano player (played for silent movies, church, made a record with a quartet singing religious songs) and he was an elder in the Church of Christ. He disdained piano music and brow beat her into never playing again (music was of the devil) and constantly told her she was stupid and mistaken about anything and everything. My Mom broke them up when she tried to take some medicine in the middle of the night and he, telling her she didn't know what she was doing, handed her a bottle of liniment which she drank. It nearly killed her and she became so forgetful Mom put her in the nursing home (Convalescent Hospital) where she was director of nursing. Mom never let the two of them be together after that, saying that he had tried to kill her. Of course, none of us were there at the time so who knows if it was intentional or a mistake. At any rate, I think of him and the way he was everytime I hear these so called conservative politicians mouth off about women. And their constant attack on Planned Parenthood is reprehensible in my opinion.
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Re: Another Goddamned Fairytale

Postby Cyborg Girl » Sun Feb 02, 2014 3:23 am

@OldCM: sadly that form of abuse is common enough that there's even a word for it.

^^^ This is why I'm weary of claims that women are better at manipulating people BTW. Some men are incredibly, horribly manipulative.

As for Republican congressmen, I don't think anything would surprise me at this point. Those guys have made spitefulness and rationalization into a science.
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Re: Another Goddamned Fairytale

Postby OldCM » Sun Feb 02, 2014 1:26 pm

Gullible Jones wrote:@OldCM: sadly that form of abuse is common enough that there's even a word for it.

^^^ This is why I'm weary of claims that women are better at manipulating people BTW. Some men are incredibly, horribly manipulative.

As for Republican congressmen, I don't think anything would surprise me at this point. Those guys have made spitefulness and rationalization into a science.

Thank you, GJ . I have never heard of that term "gaslighting" before. Having read the Wikipedia piece I'm not sure what grandma's husband was up to. Other than exercising his perceived right to be head of the household.
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Re: Another Goddamned Fairytale

Postby Sigma_Orionis » Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:39 am

And of course we have nutjobs like this one no Gaslighting involved, just the good ole TP purity test again. Sure, you make her live the "Gay Experience" (Probably at gunpoint) but somehow, I don't think it would make any difference. Which was my point when I made the OP.
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Re: Another Goddamned Fairytale

Postby Sigma_Orionis » Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:13 pm

And another tale worthy to be placed in the Fairytale department.

Lloyd Blankfein: Financial crisis taught me a lot about myself

CEO of Goldman Sachs says 2008 and its aftermath made him think about quitting, but ended up making him a better person.

Sounds suspiciously like Upper Management shoving "Emotional Intelligence" based bullshit down their employee's throat to avoid raising salaries.

I still remember a stint I worked at Microsoft a couple of years ago. I had to help get a CRM working at a Bank that was composed of some of the most spoiled people I have ever seen. And at the Corporate Billboard, the CEO of the bank making a statement about how "spiritual" (actual word I kid you not) was the experience of some stupid "integration event" the bank held for their slaves (sorry, I meant their valued collaborators). :roll:
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Re: Another Goddamned Fairytale

Postby FZR1KG » Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:21 pm

I learnt I wan't just a low life ripping people off in any way I could to gain as much wealth for myself.
I didn't really do if for the wealth gain, I have plenty of money.
I did it because I enjoy screwing people over and watching them crumble and then I bathe in my power and awesomeness and find I actually enjoy doing this.
Not because I'm an asshole, it's because I'm teaching my people how to survive the impending collapse of the fiscal system because I am a benevolent financial God. It's just that they don't understand me, as they shouldn't. Otherwise they would be Gods like me...sorry, be with you in just a second, need to crash the Japanese Yen...there we go, now where was I?
Oh yes, I'm so fucking awesome I shit currency.

Re: Another Goddamned Fairytale

Postby Sigma_Orionis » Wed Feb 19, 2014 2:09 pm

And here is the rest of the Fairytale.

Ada Colau: Spain's anti-eviction crusader

Hundreds of families in Spain are evicted every day, after falling behind on mortgage payments - and under Spain's draconian laws they must continue paying off the loan even after the home has been repossessed. Their main source of support is a determined woman from Barcelona - Ada Colau.

Bolding mine.

And it gets better.

Word about the Platform spread, together with Ada Colau's popularity, when she appeared before a parliamentary committee on the mortgage. She reacted to a remark by a representative of the AEB, the Spanish Banking Association, by calling him a criminal.

The Bankers' response....

Juan Jose Toribio, an adviser to the Spanish Banking Association, says Colau's attack on his colleague was unjustified.

He says the banks stopped evicting the most vulnerable families in 2012. That change in policy came after a 53-year woman died jumping from her fourth-floor apartment in northern Spain, hours before she was due to be forced out of her home.

This new policy only suspends evictions for two years but the Platform says thousands of vulnerable families are still being made homeless. According to the Bank of Spain, evictions accelerated in the first half of last year when more than 35,000 Spanish homes were seized by banks for non-payment.

Toribio denies that the banks are to blame for the evictions crisis.

"Maybe the central bank set interest rates too low but people behaved irresponsibly when they borrowed too much. Some banks or certain bank employees may have been at fault for lending to people who couldn't repay. But we only realised that afterwards, when the recession came. Before that it wasn't so clear."

Translation: "Gee, it's not our fault if you let us scam you, we resent being called criminals". :roll:


Ada Colau, who has been called a "Nazi" by some members of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's Popular Party, and "an angel" by her supporters, says she fits neither description.
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Re: Another Goddamned Fairytale

Postby Sigma_Orionis » Sun Mar 23, 2014 3:15 pm

Sounds like the Fairytale didn't end with "Happily Ever After".......

Spain austerity: Huge Madrid protest turns violent
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