Transit funding

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Transit funding

Postby Parrothead » Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:51 pm

Seriously, is there anywhere else other than here, that is so messed up. Years ago, the then city administration, came up with a transit plan. Expansion would be mostly of the light-rail variety. While it would work in some areas of the city, it would likely cause traffic chaos in other parts.

Last election, we moved from a "progressive" mayor, to a "fiscally conservative" one. Parts of the transit plan got tossed, a plan for building an extension to the subway system, in one area was approved by city council. The extension would be built on a different route than the current RT route, allowing it to be used wwhile the tunneling goes on. Approval would move forward based on partial funding from the province and from the federal gov't. The deadline for additional funding requests was set for the end of this month. But wait, two weeks ago the province decided they'd go ahead with the subway expansion themselves. They have decided the subway will be built along the current RT route, meaning a shitload of buses will have to be used to transport people as the RT will be out of commission, while construction is in progress. There are some concerns about slope and subways being able to handle some sharp curves along the provincially proposed route. Yet, another study to be done.

To pay for much of the transit expansion that is being built, the provincial gov't held "consultations" basically asking would taxpayers prefer road tolls, an increase of 1% to the provincial tax, a regional 5% gas tax or other taxes to pay for this. Funny how things like moving from a single fare to a zone-fare system (like the city used to have) or finding some cash in the provincial budget (seeing as they can blow/waste billions on other poorly planned projects). The (arms length) provincial transit authority, provided the provincial gov't with the results of this "consultation" process. Recommendations included: a 5% regional gas tax, a 1% increase in HST, downtown parking levies and increased development fees.

The provincial gov't has now struck a committee, to hold consultations with the taxpayers about the report from their own transit authority. This process will take three months, the report will go back to the gov't. The opposition parties are crying foul, yet neither supports funding coming from additional taxes. One says find the money within the budget, the other says cut corporate tax breaks to pay for it. Speculation is, the provincial gov't (which is in a minority) will then include taxes for transit funding in their next provincial budget and dare the opposition to topple them, again sinking that one subway expansion project and stating the opposition doesn't support subways for that part of the city, eventhough the provincial gov't wasn't behind a subway for that area until the recent by-elections.

Oh did I mention, we're hosting the 2015 Pan-Am Games. Hopefully, we'll finally have proper transit service to the airport by then. A rail route has been approved, but it faces opposition if it is not electrified, diesel engines are a no-no.
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Re: Transit funding

Postby geonuc » Fri Sep 20, 2013 9:21 am

Atlanta is much the same for probably similar reasons. Regional transportation planning is a joke, while the city chokes on cars.

One of the problems is what you allude to: as administrations with vastly different ideas change, long-term planning becomes impossible.
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