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Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 2:30 pm
by Swift
geonuc wrote:
Swift wrote:The last several days I've been in a foul mood, just kind of sad and mopey and I don't know what. I'm not sure why.

I thought typing this might make me feel better...

Did it?

At that time no. But the worst of it has gone back to where ever it was hiding.

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 12:15 pm
by Thumper
Next time it comes out, whack it!

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 1:19 am
by code monkey
not sure where this belongs or if it belongs anywhere but i'll take advantage of your good nature.

the other day during pt one of the ladies asked me, very cheerily, if i didn't think that G_D wanted me to be happy. i said that i thought that it was rather early in the day for theology and that one would be hard pressed to see my recent life as evidence for that. she asked what had happened and i told her that my husband had died 2 yrs ago and our son the year before that. i assured her that neither event had brought me the slightest bit of pleasure and that i did think than an omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent entity would have known that. without missing a beat she assured me that we'd be together again in the future. that she understood as her mother had died but they spoke every day. at 11:11. am or pm? i didn't ask. i just thanked her for the thought. and concentrated very hard on the class leader's instructions.

this encounter has left me more bemused than anything else. why don't people realize that not everyone shares their beliefs?

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 1:39 am
by SciFiFisher
code monkey wrote:not sure where this belongs or if it belongs anywhere but i'll take advantage of your good nature.

the other day during pt one of the ladies asked me, very cheerily, if i didn't think that G_D wanted me to be happy. i said that i thought that it was rather early in the day for theology and that one would be hard pressed to see my recent life as evidence for that. she asked what had happened and i told her that my husband had died 2 yrs ago and our son the year before that. i assured her that neither event had brought me the slightest bit of pleasure and that i did think than an omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent entity would have known that. without missing a beat she assured me that we'd be together again in the future. that she understood as her mother had died but they spoke every day. at 11:11. am or pm? i didn't ask. i just thanked her for the thought. and concentrated very hard on the class leader's instructions.

this encounter has left me more bemused than anything else. why don't people realize that not everyone shares their beliefs?

Because they receive genuine comfort from them and cannot encompass that others may not. :?

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:16 am
by code monkey
SciFiFisher wrote:Because they receive genuine comfort from them and cannot encompass that others may not. :?

i know that they do and i envy them their faith. it would be so much easier to believe that this is just a temporary separation and that, in time, i'll be with those whom i loved and who loved me. alas, i don't and can't.

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 6:03 am
by brite
Laryngitis, an oral presentation, and the worst storm in 5 years coming in tomorrow.... Yup... It’s finals week....

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 3:23 pm
by Swift
code monkey wrote:
SciFiFisher wrote:Because they receive genuine comfort from them and cannot encompass that others may not. :?

i know that they do and i envy them their faith. it would be so much easier to believe that this is just a temporary separation and that, in time, i'll be with those whom i loved and who loved me. alas, i don't and can't.


This might sound a little strange, but thanks for saying that. I have thought for a long time that faith like that would be lovely and comforting. It would be really nice if those things were true. But like you, I can't believe them, even if I wanted to. They are fairy tales, and I can't delude myself.

The nice part is hearing that other people have the same feelings.

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 9:35 pm
by geonuc
Swift wrote:
code monkey wrote:
SciFiFisher wrote:Because they receive genuine comfort from them and cannot encompass that others may not. :?

i know that they do and i envy them their faith. it would be so much easier to believe that this is just a temporary separation and that, in time, i'll be with those whom i loved and who loved me. alas, i don't and can't.


This might sound a little strange, but thanks for saying that. I have thought for a long time that faith like that would be lovely and comforting. It would be really nice if those things were true. But like you, I can't believe them, even if I wanted to. They are fairy tales, and I can't delude myself.

The nice part is hearing that other people have the same feelings.


Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 11:10 pm
by Cyborg Girl
Ditto from me as well.

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 3:55 am
by SciFiFisher
But, if they just share one more time with an honest heart and a true unswerving desire to bring you unto the light... This time they might help you believe. ;)

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 9:33 am
by geonuc
SciFiFisher wrote:But, if they just share one more time with an honest heart and a true unswerving desire to bring you unto the light... This time they might help you believe. ;)

Bless your heart

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:40 am
by code monkey
geonuc wrote:
SciFiFisher wrote:But, if they just share one more time with an honest heart and a true unswerving desire to bring you unto the light... This time they might help you believe. ;)

Bless your heart

now geonuc, you know that he means well.

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:41 am
by code monkey
brite wrote:Laryngitis, an oral presentation, and the worst storm in 5 years coming in tomorrow.... Yup... It’s finals week....

how'd it go?

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 3:36 pm
by brite
code monkey wrote:
brite wrote:Laryngitis, an oral presentation, and the worst storm in 5 years coming in tomorrow.... Yup... It’s finals week....

how'd it go?

Due to the lack of voice (which is pretty serious at this point... no sound at all...) the oral presentation is put off until Tuesday... the rain... she is still coming down in buckets.... we have flash flood warnings all over the place. The wind has quit, so that’s a good thing. The mountains are getting a ton of snow, so places like Squaw Valley are thrilled.

All of the rest of my exams are next week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, then I’m done for the semester. I can’t tell you how much this semester sucked. Part of it is my own damned fault, and part of it is not understanding what the instructors want and part of it is having an instructor get sick 4 weeks ago and have to drop out and getting a new one... and she’s worse than the one that she’s replacing!

The best that I can hope for is a C average this semester and bust ass next semester....

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:01 pm
by code monkey
brite wrote:
code monkey wrote:
brite wrote:Laryngitis, an oral presentation, and the worst storm in 5 years coming in tomorrow.... Yup... It’s finals week....

how'd it go?
All of the rest of my exams are next week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, then I’m done for the semester. I can’t tell you how much this semester sucked. Part of it is my own damned fault, and part of it is not understanding what the instructors want and part of it is having an instructor get sick 4 weeks ago and have to drop out and getting a new one... and she’s worse than the one that she’s replacing!

The best that I can hope for is a C average this semester and bust ass next semester....

so we should expect a full report next week?

i will take this opportunity to urge you to, should you ever find yourself not understanding what an instructor wants, simply ask. take advantage of office hours(it gets lonely when no student comes in), ask in class or before or afterwards. you must get over your shyness, brite.

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:53 pm
by brite
Oh..... I ask for help... that wasn’t the problem. The problem was the 2 weeks that I missed because of my back, and a day or two that I missed because of the fibro... I didn’t plan my classes, this semester, all that well. Office hours for most of my profs were when i was in class... and my class schedule was set up by an idiot (ME!).

Right now, I’m seriously close to failing english... yes, you read that right. I keep asking for help, do what I’m told and then get told that what I did isn’t right. It’s fine. I’ll retake the course in the fall with an instructor that I understand. I need to find enough courses to maintain full-time status to finish up my math courses anyway... (I even went as far as declaring a dual major...)

I will probably end up with around a high C in History of the World, Pt II, US History and Anthropology....

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 4:52 am
by brite
brite wrote:
I will probably end up with around a high C in History of the World, Pt II, US History and Anthropology....

The grades so far....
Anthropology - C (75 avg) - final grade
US History - 82 = pre-final grade
World History II - 75 - pre-final grade
English - 72 - pre-final grade

Looking like I will finish with a C average... Thank the Gods....

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 6:19 pm
by Swift
brite wrote:
brite wrote:
I will probably end up with around a high C in History of the World, Pt II, US History and Anthropology....

The grades so far....
Anthropology - C (75 avg) - final grade
US History - 82 = pre-final grade
World History II - 75 - pre-final grade
English - 72 - pre-final grade

Looking like I will finish with a C average... Thank the Gods....

:cheers: :clap:

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 10:57 am
by geonuc
brite wrote:Looking like I will finish with a C average... Thank the Gods....

Sounds like you survived against odds. Good show.

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 2:09 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
Hey Congrats brite :)

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 10:06 pm
by Swift
My boss is a fucking pain in the ass.

I don't want to go into the details, but I needed to say that.

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 11:03 am
by geonuc
Swift wrote:My boss is a fucking pain in the ass.

I don't want to go into the details, but I needed to say that.

The hell with him. Or her.

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 12:55 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
What he said.

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:45 am
by SciFiFisher
and the horse he rode in on. :P

Re: BMR Lite

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:40 pm
by Rommie

For those who don't know, my research project is a "piggyback project" to the bigger radio observatory that we use. Until now we haven't had to submit any proposals and the like because we just turn on whenever they're on or similar and this was an agreement drafted out some time ago by my adviser and the facility.

Anyway, yesterday evening we got an email from the observatory that said basically "why don't we have a proposal yet for the next six month cycle of observation, as they're due Wednesday?" A giant WTF ensued- we have done three cycles so far, and at no point have we needed to submit a proposal for our observing because we don't really need the observatory for any of the stuff you usually need proposals for and don't interfere with them. But I guess some bean counter has changed his mind on that, and of course no one else really has time to do it except me and my PhD student partner in crime.

So we just divided and conquered who's writing what, and it's not too bad, but fuck I actually had stuff to do today. :cuss: