So, I had my meeting with the Inquisition last Friday which went alright enough, it was mainly awkward but all relevant parties signed off on what they needed to sign off on, so hey Toronto awaits and I can stop bitching about these people. (Refresher, inquisition is the annual review in my institute. I invited Xander to come too though, which he happily did and he was a great support.)
Some final notes though:
- The paper is pretty much done, but some last minute stuff/ other people's holidays mean while it will go out to collaborators before I head off to Toronto, it might not get submitted. Ralph at this point literally said three weeks out of three months was just normal research, and he had no issues if I had to end up submitting it in January. I really had to hold my tongue then, because geez, remember that time I got fired (oh wait, contract no longer renewed with him no longer pursuing my submitting a PhD manuscript) over a week's delay?!
- What usually happens is you first talk to the inquisition folks, and then your supervisors come in for a group chat, and then they all have a chat about you. While the secretary ran off to get the three of them, the one external guy on the inqui board asked me whether I was still having fun with what I was doing. I answered honestly, that no, there was too much history involved for me to say the past few months were enjoyable, but I expect Toronto to be better. At this point my biggest adversary on the Inquisition (the one whose advice in July consisted of just "we can't tell Ralph what to do. think about what makes you happy") jumped on the comment with venom and started a rant about how we'd talked about this, and what were my motivations for getting a PhD anyway? I told him briefly I had various motivations, and then thank God the supervisor crew happened to walk in and cut that dialogue short.
Seriously, what the fuck on the latter. I'm in a situation where I'm not allowed to talk to anyone except a woman I have no good personal relationship with, in a department run by a man who makes up me mocking him if he thinks I gave him a side eye, while unemployed, and he wants me to be enjoying it? And if I'm not, my motivation to finish isn't good enough for him, so I should fucking leave? Did he prefer I lie, because I severely doubt anyone would have believed me had I said I
was still enjoying things?
Whatever, these people are out of my hair soon enough. On the bright side, ran into a faculty member in the hallway and he said via the grapevine that Bryan in Toronto is really excited to have me there, and sounds like they'll be rolling out the welcome party. Dunno if I can handle that!
Yes, I have a life. It's quite different from yours.