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"Nazi Linux"

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 7:34 pm
by Cyborg Girl
Well not quite, but getting there:

Their own Linux distro is now on the Distrowatch waiting list. And people are rushing to excuse it. Color me disgusted.

Re: "Nazi Linux"

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:58 pm
by Cyborg Girl
Although one of the posters there did make a good point - the world's major powers have all committed war crimes, so when you get down to it, singling out the one linked to a single dictatorial regime is a bit hypocritical...

The only answer I was able to give re that was, "intent matters." And I feel like it should in this case - the SEA seems to exist for the sole purpose of abetting and covering up war crimes.

OTOH, how is Syria killing tends of thousands of their own civilians different from the US killing tends of thousands of Iraqi civilians? Intent only gets you so far when it comes to... you know... mass murder.

Maybe there ought to be as much impetus un-list distros used by the federal government. Unfortunately, if you took that to its logical conclusion, you'd have to boycott pretty much every product on the planet. Sigh.

Edit: I guess I just feel like you have to pick your battles, and can't really go wrong picking this one. If that makes me a hypocrite, so be it; I'm not going to act like it's okay to give the Assad regime a platform for deliberately murdering its own citizens en masse, and covering up the evidence, even if my own country hasn't done much better.

Re: "Nazi Linux"

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:57 am
by Rommie
No, it doesn't work that way- if every government accepts bribes, for example, that doesn't mean you shouldn't get upset about it.

(Btw, um, you know what China's been up to for years on the internet right?)