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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 8:48 pm
by Cyborg Girl
I think I want to start a new political party: the People's Anti-Emetic Party of the United States of America. A party with a simple one-line manifesto:

If a policy proposal is so violent, exploitative, or persecutory that it makes a reasonably informed voter want to vomit, then it must not be implemented.

Ha ha only serious. Everybody laugh! C'mon, laugh loud and clear or you'll be locked up in a corporate prison!



PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 2:43 pm
by Rommie


PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 7:17 pm
by Cyborg Girl
Random political thoughts, that's all.

It does surprise me though, that nobody's come up with a "This makes any decent person want to barf" defense vs. Trumpist ideas. I know that we're a democracy etc.; but things like e.g. banning immigrants by religion, or retaliating against terrorists' families, are unconscionable. These are things that should not even be on the table, should not even be up for polite discussion.

If someone were to propose eating babies as a means of curbing population growth, I would not expect people to want to vote on it. I would expect people to say, That is evil and insane, no I won't vote for you, stop running for office and get some help!

Thus, the Anti-Emetic Party. IMO some ideas are so odious that they must be rejected automatically, dismissed out of hand without due process. A political version of the gag reflex, if you will.


PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 7:29 pm
by Cyborg Girl
Heh. Also, Daniel Gildenlow puts it far better than I do. See:

Scarsick by Pain of Salvation

Step into the dark age of treason
Today the only voice of reason
Will have to be the sound
Of the soup of the season...
Hitting ground!


PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 8:15 pm
by SciFiFisher
Gullible Jones wrote:Random political thoughts, that's all.

[/i] These are things that should not even be on the table, should not even be up for polite discussion.

There’s your trouble. You think politics is about polite discussion. :P

Politics, especially in the U.S., is messy, loud, vulgar, and downright mean at times. Oddly enough it seems a large number of countries are emulating us recently. i.e. the Populist Memes that are popping up all over. Even Turkey has gotten into the act with a hard shift towards a totalitarian government.

Democracy is messy. Often it is boisterous and even ugly. I have some slight hope that in November the electorate will demonstrate that while they were highly entertained by the show they did not for one minute believe Trump can do the job and vote accordingly. <fingers crossed>


PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 10:23 pm
by Swift
Gullible Jones wrote:If someone were to propose eating babies as a means of curbing population growth, I would not expect people to want to vote on it. I would expect people to say, That is evil and insane, no I won't vote for you, stop running for office and get some help!

So, you didn't like my letter to the Times about the Irish problem? :p