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Republicans' treatment of veterans is disgusting hypocrisy

PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 5:14 pm
by Cyborg Girl
I see Republicans always questioning the patriotism of Democrats, and their commitment to veterans. Holdover from Vietnam, I guess.

But then I see shit like this: ... 00174.html

In an interview with Politico, Rep. Walsh said of Duckworth, “What else has she done? Female, wounded veteran ... ehhh.... She is nothing more than a handpicked Washington bureaucrat. David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel just picked her up and dropped her into this district.”

Are you fucking kidding me. What else has she done... Other than flying a five-ton helicopter full of aviation fuel and explosive munitions. In Iraq, with vicious insurgents everywhere. And getting shot down by said insurgents, and losing both her legs.

And surviving, and coming back to the US with a Purple Heart. And then starting not one, but at least six, charities or services for veterans. Including a crisis hotline.

Whereas Walsh has never, as far as I can tell, served in the military.

But of course it's okay. Because Walsh is a man and a Republican, and Duckworth is a woman and a Democrat. Let's erase any hint that women have done military service, and lost limbs and lives, and actually deserve respect for it. Let's erase any hint that they were ever vital members of the armed forces. Let's paper over the notion that they're worth anything but snide comments, and maybe victimhood pity if you're a nice guy.

... I do not even have words for how angry I am about this. :scream:

Edit: sent a message to Walsh. It was as polite as I could make it, given the above. He probably won't even see it... but we'll see.