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PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 2:29 pm
by geonuc
So, I go out this morning to set the hose on one of our trees that apparently needs more water, and to pick up the paper (yes, we get a paper local newspaper). When I turn to go back in, something seems odd, unbalanced, about the front of the house. There's the Spanish/English/Arabic 'we're glad you're our neighbor' sign on the right. On the left, however, nothing.

Some asshole stole our Black Lives Matter sign.

Beyond the obvious violation of our personal property, that pisses me off because of Bend itself. I like Bend and enjoy living here but it's very white. There's not much racial diversity at all. Despite it being a fairly liberal city (but not a liberal county), we have seen exactly zero BLM signs around town, other than our own. There are quite a few signs that profess tolerance and compassion, much like our S/E/A sign, but no mention of BLM.

Earlier this year, my wife mentioned that the landlord of the house across the street - the tenants of which have a hand-written 'one year down, three to go' sign in their window (referring to Trump's term in office) - commented on our BLM sign with the usual bigoted, white response of "don't all lives matter?" Maybe he stole the sign.

Pisses me off.


PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:24 pm
by SciFiFisher
You might want to lay in a supply of BLM signs. :twisted:


PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 1:57 am
by Swift
I would be strongly tempted to file a police report. Just because. Maybe it makes the local police blotter and makes people think. Maybe the cops drive by a little more often.


PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 12:42 pm
by Loresinger
its like the recent story of a woman who had a large impeach trump sign on her lawn. Town told her to remove it (too big). So I suggested setting up a fund to get her dozens of smaller size signs within code (they never mentioned how many one could have - the devil is in the details). Then she could arrange them like a flag.


PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 8:50 pm
by code monkey
yesterday I saw a 'Hillary for prison 2016' bumper sticker. trivial, I know, but as an indication of mindset it makes me feel ill.


PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 9:16 pm
by Rommie
What amazes me about that mindset is people still talking about it. Like, good God, she's a private citizen who so far as I can tell didn't do much worse than decide to run for president, and was cleared by multiple investigations. By this point that hangup is not healthy no matter how you slice it.