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The complete idiots who stand with Chris Rock

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 8:10 pm
by lady_*nix
So usually I don't pay much attention to celebrity bullshit. But.

TIL that Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars ceremony for insulting Jada Pinkett Smith (i.e. his wife). Specifically for making fun of her shaven head during his standup routine.

Jada Pinkett Smith shaves her head because she has autoimmune allopecia. She's been open about this. Rock was straight up making fun of her disability, and also being sexist about it because why not I guess. I can't say that smacking him was the wisest way to deal with it, but smacking a guy who just humiliated someone you love is pretty understandable.

Buuuuut apparently it's not understandable to a lot of men. I would think that hitting a guy who insulted your wife was one form of traditional masculine violence that even regressive dipshits would get behind, but apparently not, because Twitter is now lighting up with #IStandWithChrisRock posts, which mostly seem to be from angry sexist men. Many of whom also insult Jada for sleeping with other men sometimes, and Will for putting up with that, which uh... they're polyamorous? They're literally in an open relationship? That's a normal negotiated thing for them?

As far as I'm concerned Will loving Jada enough to defend her in front of other men, AND be okay with her having other men as partners, says worlds about how much more secure and confident he is than these shmucks. But nah, in their world actually caring about your wife is for losers, blah blah cuck beta thot blah blah ad nauseum. Thanks I fucking hate it.

Re: The complete idiots who stand with Chris Rock

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2022 2:08 am
by lady_*nix
Actually you know what, I was completely wrong about this, I didn't have the full context. Will actually made an ass of himself, and made the situation even worse for Jada. My bad, carry on y'all.

Chris Rock is still a douche though. Dude, read the fucking room.

Re: The complete idiots who stand with Chris Rock

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2022 4:51 pm
by Rommie
Haha I came to make a post and see you beat me to it, so we can still discuss here if you don't mind? :)

I watched the full (international, uncensored clip) and I live in the space where they can both be douchebags. Yes, it was a fucking awful joke (particularly since Chris Rock produced a documentary about how Black women's hair is tied up in their identity), but I don't think it's appropriate for someone to physically assault someone for a shitty joke.

I do find it rather strange that they then gave Will Smith the Oscar anyway like 10min later- to be fair, I suspect that just wasn't enough time to do much about such an unexpected incident. And I think they'll give Will Smith some light punishment about it (they're not gonna take away his Oscar or something like that, because that sure opens the door to how say Woody Allen still has his)- my bet is they won't invite him next year to present the Best Actress award as that's traditionally what the best actor of the previous year does. What is going to annoy the crap out of me though is I'm sure that won't include any discussion on their part on how to deal with people like Chris Rock who make awful jokes about people's physical health.

Re: The complete idiots who stand with Chris Rock

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2022 8:45 pm
by lady_*nix
Yeah it's okay. I don't have much more to say though really.

I do think abusers should get their awards revoked though. And if that leads to 90% of men with awards getting them yanked, so be it. Being a scumbag should have consequences, social and material.

Re: The complete idiots who stand with Chris Rock

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2022 1:02 am
by Rommie
Should, yes. Will, no. Just being realistic.