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Just 'cause they gots a license...

PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:18 pm
by cid
...doesn't mean they know how to drive.

I sat waiting for this guy in the parking lot, waiting for him to back out of his space.
He'd back up, then oodge (look it up) forward about 6" until he'd almost touched the bumper of the car
in the next space. Then he'd back up a bit, oodge forward 6" again, and back up, repeating ad nauseam...

And the whole time he had a good 15 FEET behind him all the way across the two-lane travel path to the
cars parked on the other side. 6" back and forth and back and forth, ignoring the full car length + behind him...

Good thing it was hot and I had the windows rolled up and the A/C blowing, otherwise he'd have heard the
commentary I issued concerning the legitimacy of his parents' marital status...

As a former professional driver, things like this p!$$ me off unmercifully...

Re: Just 'cause they gots a license...

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:12 am
Yeah, watching retards trying to park is amusing...except they aren't retarded, they constitute a large percentage of drivers on the road.
Feel safe yet?
I learned safety early when my BIL's mother was killed by a woman driving who didn't see her because the woman was looking in her rearview mirror doing her makeup. I was about 17 at the time. A lesson learned well. His mother walked slowly across two lanes only to be hit feet from finishing the crossing. The woman claimed she didn't see shit. Driving for a good 500m (550yards) without noticing a woman crossing the road ahead of her. People can't drive for shit.
If I had my way I'd beat every bad driver that does that shit with a bat and any tester that passes them with my fists.