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Amateurs talk Servers......

PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:22 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
.......Professionals talk Storage

Does anyone remember that in FWIS 2.0 I bitched about an idiotic customer that was blaming me for a data-center disaster they had for New Year 2013?

Well, they're back. This time their storage sub-system apparently has a big problem, and it took down 4 servers that handle all their apps (along with 2 that had non-critical stuff on it).

Since we currently have no obligation to them (they didn't renew their support contract and the Monitoring system I set up for them died 3 months ago and they never replaced it). They can't blame it on me. They know they have a major hardware problem, one they had been warned about multiple times, and now it's type to pay the piper.

Welcome to the bajadita bitches.

Re: Amateurs talk Servers......

PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 4:00 pm
by Swift
How do you say "Nan, nan, I told you so" in Spanish?

Re: Amateurs talk Servers......

PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 6:01 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
An approximate trasnlation would be "Ledo Ledo, Te lo Dije!" :P

Re: Amateurs talk Servers......

PostPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:44 am
by code monkey
Sigma_Orionis wrote:Does anyone remember that in FWIS 2.0 I bitched about an idiotic customer that was blaming me for a data-center disaster they had for New Year 2013? ...

Since we currently have no obligation to them (they didn't renew their support contract and the Monitoring system I set up for them died 3 months ago and they never replaced it). They can't blame it on me.

sigma, sigma, sigma. there you go again, being logical. (and who could forget that customer?) of course he can blame you. and i'll bet he already has. you weren't clear. you didn't emphasize this or that. of course it's your fault. after all, you're the professional.

Re: Amateurs talk Servers......

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 9:45 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
All too True, too bad that they couldn't use it as a negotiation tactic, they had to pay up this time :)