
Re: Nature

Postby Rommie » Thu Apr 06, 2017 4:10 pm

Oh cool! Never seen one of those. :) Seems a bit early in the season for stuff like that, no?
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Re: Nature

Postby Thumper » Thu Apr 06, 2017 4:18 pm

Well since on any given day around here since January, it could be 70F some spring things have gotten a little confused.
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Re: Nature

Postby Thumper » Tue Apr 11, 2017 12:10 pm

After we finished mowing, the Dog and I headed up to the road to put out the garbage. A full Moon was rising trying to poke through the light clouds. The Peepers were in full peep mode, but I could also hear the Toads for the first time. Saw a couple of bats circling my barnyard, then at least one up by the neighbor's pond. As I was trying to decide if I was watching a couple of Hawks or Buzzards soar behind the tree line, a Mallard made a noisy landing in the pond. For the last few weeks a pair of Canadian Geese and 3 Mallard Ducks (don't ask) have been trying to nest around the pond. There was also a solo Peeper behind my little fish pond. A pond where I saw at least 2 goldfish who survived the winter. I will never stop being amazed by that.
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Re: Nature

Postby Thumper » Wed Apr 12, 2017 11:22 am

Forgot to add that The Kid read an article that the mild winter may be causing the hummingbird migration to start early this spring. So I dug out a couple feeders and cooked up some sugar water. I've got them out. I don't expect to see any birds this first batch, but at least they're out, available, and I've started the routine of filling, cleaning, refilling.
More peepers and toads last night and this morning.
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Re: Nature

Postby Rommie » Mon Apr 24, 2017 5:06 pm

So this may sound funny, but I was completely wowed by all the GREEN when visiting my sister this weekend. Here in Toronto we are really just at the beginnings of spring- the daffodils are out, the trees are in that "super light green that isn't even the leaf yet" stage, maybe a tulip or two... and in Virginia, on the other hand, they've got fully blooming azeleas, grass that needs cutting, and all the trees in full leaf. We went for a walk in the little forested park near their house, and I was just in heaven admiring all the green.

I guess it's that in the Netherlands it's rarely a forest that you see (all too civilized to have uncultivated land), but I missed that. Need to ask around for some nice parks around Toronto with trees, stat!

Final funny thing, I surprised myself at getting all excited to see dogwood trees everywhere. Consulted with my bf who was meeting sis for the first time, and he'd never seen them before, so that's how I realized I haven't seen a flowering dogwood tree in over half a decade because they just don't exist in Europe. Funny how you don't notice a thing like that until you see it again. :)
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Re: Nature

Postby Thumper » Mon Apr 24, 2017 5:51 pm

Yeah, small changes in lattitude at this time of year have dramatic affects on the greenery. And also in the fall.
Funny, you mentioned dogwoods. Mrs. T noticed a couple on our property yesterday that we hadn't really paid attention to. They certainly flowered early this year.
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Re: Nature

Postby Thumper » Wed Apr 26, 2017 11:37 am

Several people have asked me if I've hunted morel mushrooms on my property. I know Mrs. T has a time or two. Well, we went out yesterday and stumbled through the woods. We didn't find any, but Mrs. T, the dog, the cat, and I had a nice time. I stood on parts of my property I don't think I ever have before. And at one time, I felt a little lost. :P
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Re: Nature

Postby geonuc » Wed Apr 26, 2017 12:01 pm

Thumper wrote:Several people have asked me if I've hunted morel mushrooms on my property. I know Mrs. T has a time or two. Well, we went out yesterday and stumbled through the woods. We didn't find any, but Mrs. T, the dog, the cat, and I had a nice time. I stood on parts of my property I don't think I ever have before. And at one time, I felt a little lost. :P

How large is your property?
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Re: Nature

Postby Thumper » Wed Apr 26, 2017 12:45 pm

It's only 9 acres. The back half is densely wooded. There is a meandering loop trail that I try to maintain through it. I headed off the trail and followed a creekbed off toward the corner of the property. I got a little turned around. It wasn't like a 3 minute walk in any direction and I'd know where I was. It was just fun being less than 3000 feet from my house, not seeing anything but woods and not recognizing anything. If you would have dropped me blindfolded into that spot, I wouldn't have had any idea where I was. :P
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Re: Nature

Postby Rommie » Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:00 pm

"Only 9 acres." Ah, Americans!
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Re: Nature

Postby Thumper » Fri Apr 28, 2017 3:51 pm

Holy crap, lightning bugs were out last night. At least a full month earlier than usual. But both Mrs. T and I saw more than one flash last night. Wow.
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Re: Nature

Postby vendic » Sat Apr 29, 2017 12:13 am

Ah, Texas. it's a nice sized station in Oz. lol
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Re: Nature

Postby Thumper » Mon May 01, 2017 12:07 pm

Weekend nature observations:
Peepers and toads in full shrill especially with the weekend rains.
Rose Breasted Grosbeak made appearances all weekend. We only see them for a day or two every few years.
Possibly the second biggest snapping turtle I've seen in the wild was meandering through our front yard. His shell was a good foot long and he was almost two feet from nose to tail. The Kid spotted it heading down the driveway and called back to us. He hunkered down while we were "inspecting him." When I walked back up an hour later, he was nowhere in sight. Safe travels, you old dinosaur.
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Re: Nature

Postby Swift » Mon May 01, 2017 2:06 pm

Thumper wrote:Weekend nature observations:
Peepers and toads in full shrill especially with the weekend rains.
Rose Breasted Grosbeak made appearances all weekend. We only see them for a day or two every few years.
Possibly the second biggest snapping turtle I've seen in the wild was meandering through our front yard. His shell was a good foot long and he was almost two feet from nose to tail. The Kid spotted it heading down the driveway and called back to us. He hunkered down while we were "inspecting him." When I walked back up an hour later, he was nowhere in sight. Safe travels, you old dinosaur.

I love rose breasted grosbeaks, they are amazingly beautiful. Only had one or two on my feeders over the years.

I wonder if the snapper was a girl, looking for a place to lay her eggs. That seems to be the main reason they go walk-about. Haven't seen a snapper yet this year, though the other turtles are out.

Fireflies?!? Way too early, though it got to 85F here yesterday.

Virginia bluebells are in bloom around here... seems a little early. Spring beauties and trout lilies and the other early spring flowers seem to be about done. The flowering trees seem to be past peak (like our apple and crab apple trees), though the dogwoods are at their peak. Our irises are green shoots, no signs of flowers yet.

The wildflowers I planted last year (coneflowers, milkweed, etc.) seem to have all survived their first winter and are at various stages of green. The coneflowers are already about a foot high bunch of leaves.
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Re: Nature

Postby Thumper » Mon May 01, 2017 3:17 pm

Well, it was a good winter to try to survive. ;)
I did not try to sex the turtle, though the dog tried to say hi and almost got his nose snapped. I ushered him away.
I was working with our little fish pond in the back and saw a much smaller snapper hanging out in there. Saw one last year on many occasions and wondered if it might be the same one.
The area where the big turtle was wandering was between my driveway, my neighbor's drive, and the road. On the other side of my driveway is a mixed treeline then a large tall grass field. On the other side of my neighbor's driveway is a large artificial pond. It was created years ago when they dammed up the creek that runs across the front of our properties. So I kind of assumed that the turtle was coming from or heading to (or both) that pond. It has all kinds of temporary and long term inhabitants.
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Re: Nature

Postby Thumper » Tue May 02, 2017 12:24 pm

And last night I found a wren nest, on a shelf, inside the garage, with babies in it.
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Re: Nature

Postby geonuc » Tue May 02, 2017 12:35 pm

Thumper wrote:And last night I found a wren nest, on a shelf, inside the garage, with babies in it.

Is your garage open to the outdoors?
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Re: Nature

Postby Rommie » Tue May 02, 2017 4:58 pm

Thumper wrote:And last night I found a wren nest, on a shelf, inside the garage, with babies in it.

We had this one year when I was a kid- bird would just go out every morning when my dad opened the garage door to go to work, which we would leave open most of the day as long as someone was home, then be in at night by the time he closed it. We only discovered said bird one weekend when she was trapped inside in the morning and getting frantic.

After a few weeks we were going on vacation, so when that happened dad tied a basket up high and put the nest in while mom was out, then left the doors closed a few hours until she worked out the nest had moved. So that is an option if needed, just don't accidentally touch the baby birds!
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Re: Nature

Postby Thumper » Tue May 02, 2017 5:58 pm

Our garage is a stand alone structure with two small bay doors in front, two man doors on the side and several windows. I've chased out birds before that have gotten "stuck" in there. Recently, I've had to chase one out repeatedly. Finally realized yesterday why. I saw her fly in when I opened the door and backed in, then she flew right out after visiting the nest. Then I found where she gets in and out when the door is closed. So right now, we'll try not to bother the nest and see what happens. After the babies are gone. I'll work on plugging the area where she gets in.
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Re: Nature

Postby Swift » Tue May 02, 2017 9:14 pm

Yesterday evening, as I was leaving work, I heard gray tree frogs calling in the trees by our parking lot. I don't recall hearing them there before. I was the last car in the lot (it was about 7:15 p.m.), so maybe that's why I had not heard them before.
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Re: Nature

Postby Rommie » Wed May 03, 2017 5:07 pm

Swift wrote:Yesterday evening, as I was leaving work, I heard gray tree frogs calling in the trees by our parking lot. I don't recall hearing them there before. I was the last car in the lot (it was about 7:15 p.m.), so maybe that's why I had not heard them before.

Funny, if I leave at 7:15pm, there are always still several people here. :)

We are still in the very early stages of tulip season here, but I've not been so eager for summer for years. Mainly because I keep dreaming about my childhood summers right now, and seeing all the nature and humidity and thunderstorms from them and the humidity. Amazing how much nostalgia is tied up in simple things like that!

Speaking of things in nature I haven't seen in years btw, crabapple trees are in bloom here. Haven't seen one in sooo long, and it's so good to see one. :)
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Re: Nature

Postby Thumper » Wed May 03, 2017 7:02 pm

Yeah, crab apples and dogwoods in bloom around here.
I need to listen to some different frog and toad samples so I can discern what all I'm hearing. It was a symphony around my place Sunday afternoon.

Baby birds were still in the nest last night. Mom was still making feeding trips. We're trying to stay out of the way.
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Re: Nature

Postby Thumper » Mon May 08, 2017 11:46 am

Grosbeak hung around all weekend. Saw an Eastern Kingbird Saturday. I usually see them very briefly in July. So this is quite early. Momma Wren still making constant visits to the nest in the garage. I'm trying to stay out of the way so I don't know if the babies are getting ready to leave, if she's still feeding them, if she's going to lay another batch or what. But she certainly is pooping everywhere. Reminds me that I don't want to be a landlord. :P

Also saw the first Catbirds over the weekend.
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Re: Nature

Postby Rommie » Mon May 08, 2017 4:37 pm

Rain rain rain for the past few days. Lake Ontario is full- lots of rain the past few weeks, then the dumping of the past few days really raised the waters. Went past the lake a few days back, and you could barely see the breakers out in the water.

Sun is finally out today, so maybe I'll cycle down there after work and check it out. :D
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Re: Nature

Postby Thumper » Tue May 09, 2017 12:19 pm

Mrs. T said yesterday morning she found 3 baby wrens stumbling around the garage. So when she left, she cracked the front bay door open and left the back man door open. When I got home, all I found was lots and lots of bird poop on the floor. Also heard some shrieking and and squeaking from the woods next to the garage. So I think my renters have moved out.
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