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Rotterdam's new market

PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:26 pm
by Swift
Hey Rommie, planning a trip to Rotterdam soon? This looks really cool.

It looks like a portal to another dimension crafted from alien technology to bridge yawning chasms across time and space.

In reality, it's a fruit and vegetable market.

Either way, it's unlikely that anyone could fail to be excited by the prospect of loading up on groceries at Markthal, a combined food hall and housing project that opened earlier this month in the Dutch port city of Rotterdam.

The development, already feted by architecture critics, houses 100 market stalls beneath a gigantic, brightly decorated archway that contains 228 apartments.


Re: Rotterdam's new market

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:52 am
by Rommie
Yeah, I have a friend who's been going on and on about it and wants to visit it. Looks interesting. Another interesting one is with all the apartments around they need to keep the pressure in the hall slightly different so the smells don't get into them and things like that apparently. (For those who wonder why markets would smell so bad, there is a lot of fish in Dutch ones!)