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I saw Lovejoy

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 12:53 pm
by Thumper
For folks in the Northern Hemisphere, the brightening comet currently appears a little northwest of Orion. Easy enough, I thought. As I got home well after dark, I could clearly see Orion. So I went about unloading the truck, letting the dogs out, and other assorted chores. Then I grabbed a pair of binocs and headed out to a spot away from the house with a good view of Orion. When I got there, I couldn't see anything, clouds had quickly moved in. I cursed myself for not looking first, went back inside and peeled off all my layers. (It was about +5F at the time). A little later, I looked out a bathroom window, and Orion was back. I checked the computer to get a better idea where to look, and through the glass with the binocs, I found a fuzzball. I got the bigger binocs and saw a bigger fuzzball with a hint of green color.
Yeah, sorry, that's about as interesting and exciting as my astronomy gets these days. But I saw it.

Re: I saw Lovejoy

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 12:58 pm
by Rommie
Of course it's been cloudy here since I first heard about this one two or three days ago! :(

Hoping to get out and see it soon. Doubt I'd spot it naked eye in the city, but it sounds like a good target for my little binoculars and that cheers me up.

Re: I saw Lovejoy

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:01 pm
by Thumper
Even outside, I don't think I would have spotted it with my eye. I'd have froze up before my eyes became dark adapted anyway. ;) But it was fairly easy for me to spot with the binocs. They're hoping it continues to brighten up through the month. So if I get another chance to view maybe I can see some tail!

Re: I saw Lovejoy

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 2:41 pm
by Swift
Awesome. The only times it has been clear around here are when Orion isn't up, or its 5F out and I'm getting ready to go to bed. I'm hoping to get it this weekend.

Re: I saw Lovejoy

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 4:40 pm
by pumpkinpi
Awesome! I have tried three times in the past week to find it, with no success. I can get a clear view of the south from my backyard; the comet is high enough over the trees I have back there. Unfortunately, I'm looking toward city glow so it's too washed out. I know I'm looking in the right place. I can see Orion and even the stars of Lepus, but no fuzzball.

My Colombian visitors are on their way as I type, and I am hoping we'll be able to take them out somewhere to see it!

Re: I saw Lovejoy

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 12:09 pm
by Rommie
Actually cleared up enough last night that I headed to the roof to see what I could see. Unfortunately even with my little field binoculars that take in all of Orion's belt in one view (ie not designed for this) the view was nada. Well, maybe one potential thing or two, but not really unfortunately- comets really aren't designed to be picked out from the center of cities!

Then I took a look at the Pleiades, Orion Nebula, and Jupiter. They're still looking mighty fine, even if I saw no comet. :)

Re: I saw Lovejoy

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 8:13 pm
by Parrothead
Too overcast to see it. Have seen it on Starry Night, looks like I wouldn't be able to see it until midnight or later, allowing for it to get high enough in the sky to clear obstructions.

Re: I saw Lovejoy

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 12:55 pm
by Thumper
Nice and clear Friday night. It's really faint. I tried several times to see it naked eye. But it wasn't until I looked at it several times with the binocs that I think maybe I could see it without them. And I have a good dark sky to the south. I don't think there would have been a chance to see it in the city.