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Edgar Mitchell

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 7:06 pm
by Parrothead
I just read at the BBC site, Edgar Mitchell has passed away.

Re: Edgar Mitchell

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 9:11 pm
by SciFiFisher
Yeah, I saw blurb about that too. One day before the anniversary of his lunar landing he passed. Edgar Mitchell, 6th Astronaut to walk on the moon, Dies at 85

I found this somewhat amusing
Whew, that was close'
"We noticed as we were on our last circuit of the moon before starting down, while checking out the lunar module and getting ready, that the abort light came on in the lunar module," said Mitchell in a 1997 NASA interview. "And that was a surprise. It shouldn't do that."

The false signal was about to become a real problem after the descent engine fired, as it would have led the on board computer to command an auto-abort. After a scramble by flight controllers back on Earth, Mitchell was able to enter a software fix, comprising more than 80 keystrokes, just in time.

"We had something like 30 seconds to spare when we got all of that done, and we started de-orbit then and fired the engines to start down, with just a few seconds left to spare and it worked," Mitchell recounted.

With today's programs being so huge can you imagine if you had to go in and fix the code? The auto abort would have activated and the module would have flown them back to earth by the time you could fix today's code. :lol:

Re: Edgar Mitchell

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:27 pm
by Thumper
Yeah, I've read of that account, and seen it acted out on Tom Hanks' "From the Earth to the Moon." It was a great fix.
Rest in peace, Mr. Mitchell.