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I know an astronaut!!!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 6:11 pm
by pumpkinpi
NASA announced their new astronaut class today, and I know one of them!

He was a physics major at my college, graduating my freshman year. He was a TA of mine, we were in the Society of Physics Students together, and both too Philosophy of Science.
Even though I remember him, he may not remember least not without a little prodding.

What makes it doubly cool is that he's from the town where MrPi grew up,and the same age! MrPi went to a catholic school in a different town so they wouldn't have been classmates. But I have to find out if he knew him anyway! That would be awesome....


In reference to the middle age thread.....he is the only one in the class *older* than me. Wow.

Re: I know an astronaut!!!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:01 pm
by Rommie
Awesome! :wave:

And thank you for having me double-check that I am still on track to check all the boxes for being an astronaut :P (tho I doubt it would happen since they get so many applying that they'd just cut me out based on grades alone...)

I mean geez 7 of 6000- I like those odds! Amazing that he beat them! (Though tricky as those odds sound Americans still have such a better chance than my European friends that I guess I won't complain.)

Re: I know an astronaut!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:58 am
by Thumper