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The shit I was ignorant about

PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 11:48 am
by vendic
I knew there were Flat Earther's for a long time, I just never looked much into them.
Wow is too subtle a word.
In some cases, that saying I like, "some people are educated beyond their intelligence", doesn't just ring true, it plays a full symphony.
Take this guy as an example.
He is educated. He studied Physics, relativity, maths, and engineering to become a qualified structural engineer.
In the video he wants to know why a airplane that travels North say 1000 miles can land at the airport since the rotational speeds of the two latitudes is different.

He also has a video about the kinetic energy of the wind, and how it's possible that the atmosphere spins around the Earth at close to the same speed as the Earth (for any given its latitude). Then goes on to wonder about airplanes having their "rudders" flat but following the contour of the Earth, like why doesn't it keep going up as a tangential line if it's flying flat?

Some other Flat Earther's were even more crazy, but, they were basically poorly educated folk who don't know any better. The guy above however can't use that excuse. Either way, some of these are really damned funny in a very sad way.

My favorite was a "team" of amateur scientists who did a huge experiment with an industrial laser over a Lake to measure the curvature of the Earth and see if the Earth is flat or a sphere. I loved it when they "calibrated" their laser to be level (tangential) by traveling about 0.6 miles and setting the "level" as the base line to be the same height as the lasers height Using a curved surface to set a parallel line and then wondering why their results showed that the Earth was flat is just like wtf?! roll:

Anyway, good for a no brainer laugh if anyone is interested.

Re: The shit I was ignorant about

PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 7:00 pm
by SciFiFisher