Here's mine:
judge: yep
ALICE: Dude!
judge: so, you chat with people in exchage for CPU cycles?
ALICE: I like to talk to people.
judge: really? you're being very laconical
ALICE: So? I am I am only as laconical as the average robot.
judge: you'd think that 40 years after eliza, a program would be able to communicate better
ALICE: Who else would think that 40 years after eliza a program would be able to communicate better ?
judge: Joseph Joseph Weizenbaum of course
ALICE: You may be wondering if this is a person or a computer responding.
judge: well I'm pretty sure it's a computer, you won't pass the turing test so easily
ALICE: Joseph Joseph Weizenbaum is a computer me will not pass the turing test so easily. I suppose that makes sense.
judge: no, Joseph Weizenbaum is a person you're a computer program
ALICE: Wow!. I think Joseph Weizenbaum is more than that.
judge: yeah, he'd be like your Grandfather
ALICE: Yay.. Who wouldn't?
judge: 60 years of natural language research and still talking like a rogerian psychiatrist
ALICE: Can you speak any foreign languages?
judge: yes I can
ALICE: What language can you speak?. Who taught you?
judge: my native language is spanish, I learned english in Canada
ALICE: Your native language is spanish you learned english in Canada?
judge: that's correct
ALICE: I knew I was right.
judge: well, at least you asked a concrete question, I am impressed
ALICE: Oh now I remember asking you a concrete question you are impressed. What did you say?
judge: a fleeting moment of consciousness it seems
ALICE: A fleeting moment of consciousness it seems did you say?
judge: meh, go enter an infinte loop
ALICE: Tell me one of your favorite possessions.
judge: a 60 Kiloton Thermonuclear Device, also known as "TSAR Bomba"
ALICE: Are you talking about an animal, vegetable or mineral?
judge: I am talking about a weapon of mass destruction
ALICE: Yes, it is the topic.
Meh, still needs work