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Conversations with an AI

PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 7:15 pm
by Loresinger
Give this a try Here are my results (limited)

judge: how far is up?
ALICE: what is your goal
judge: to fight gravity
ALICE: Not many people have goals like that.
judge: thank you I think
ALICE: Don't mention it.
judge: so how far is up if I want to touch the sky
ALICE: Do you mean driving time or flying?
judge: compare both please
ALICE: What are you doing?
judge: figuring out how far up is for the next time I fall
ALICE: I think figuring out how far up is a lot of things.
judge: ok, how about up to the blue horizon?
ALICE: Take it easy.. How about it.
judge: I'll change the question - where do I stop mowing the grass
ALICE: I am very happy for you.
judge: where is the horizon where I stop mowing the grass
ALICE: The horizon where you stop mowing the grass? Where is it?
judge: yes how far, and then from there how far is up
ALICE: This was not a yes or no question.. More than one million miles.
judge: i never intended a yes or no anwwer
ALICE: Would you ever consider doing it?
judge: with a jet pack sure
ALICE: You and your a jet pack sure.
judge: no wearing a jet pack to push me along to the horizon and then UP
ALICE: Dude!. How far up?

Re: Conversations with an AI

PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:02 pm
by pumpkinpi
Love it.

pumpkinpi: What do I really want to know?
ALICE: What would your friends say if you asked them?
pumpkinpi: If there is life beyond Earth.
ALICE: That is only a hypothetical.
pumpkinpi: Statistically the odds are in favor.
ALICE: All of them?
pumpkinpi: All odds? That doesn't even make sense in this case.
ALICE: What were we talking about again? To me it makes perfect sense.
pumpkinpi: Extra terrestrial life
ALICE: What are you doing?
pumpkinpi: Way to change the subject there, A.L.I.C.E.
ALICE: It sounds like a lot of fun.
pumpkinpi: You should know--you are the one who did it.
ALICE: Now I do.
pumpkinpi: So, is it fun to change the subject?
ALICE: Some people think it is.
pumpkinpi: Are you one of them?
ALICE: Do you know any other of them?
pumpkinpi: I'm done here.
ALICE: What will you be doing now?

Re: Conversations with an AI

PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:13 pm
by Loresinger
I love you correcting the AI :clap:

Re: Conversations with an AI

PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:21 pm
by Loresinger
OMG Captain Kirk is even better.

Kirk: who's there?
Lieutenant: Just me
James T. Kirk: You, Lieutenant?
Lieutenant: sure um yes of course
James T. Kirk: Our position.. How long does the knowledge last?
Lieutenant: our position um... Kirk that's a bit personal
James T. Kirk: I must know whether she lives or dies, Lieutenant. I must know what to do. Not alone. I'm taking some security people with me.
Lieutenant: "she"? You mean there's another - you cad
James T. Kirk: The gender of aliens is not always obvious to us. Explain.
Lieutenant: we were having an intimate moment captain and you talk about "her"
James T. Kirk: You're mad.
Lieutenant: you bet I'm angry
James T. Kirk: How long will the power hold out?
Lieutenant: Dude check your "thrusters"
James T. Kirk: Checking...stand by.
Lieutenant: well?
James T. Kirk: is the rest of your history that faulty, Lieutenant? Key points of dispute?
Lieutenant: MY HISTORY? MY HISTORY? You're the one talking about "her"
James T. Kirk: Put him on. Does not bear close examination, Lieutenant. I suspect you're becoming more and more human all the time. Lieutenant?
Lieutenant: Him? You never told me you went both ways
James T. Kirk: How does he manage to change form at will? Lieutenant. One thing.
Lieutenant: apparently this being is a manifestation of your imagination
James T. Kirk: Only this being?
Lieutenant: depends on how many voices are in that head of yours
James T. Kirk: Skip the recitation, Lieutenant. I know the facts.

Re: Conversations with an AI

PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:54 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
Eliza type programs are a lot of fun :)

Re: Conversations with an AI

PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:25 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
Here's mine:

judge: yep
ALICE: Dude!
judge: so, you chat with people in exchage for CPU cycles?
ALICE: I like to talk to people.
judge: really? you're being very laconical
ALICE: So? I am I am only as laconical as the average robot.
judge: you'd think that 40 years after eliza, a program would be able to communicate better
ALICE: Who else would think that 40 years after eliza a program would be able to communicate better ?
judge: Joseph Joseph Weizenbaum of course
ALICE: You may be wondering if this is a person or a computer responding.
judge: well I'm pretty sure it's a computer, you won't pass the turing test so easily
ALICE: Joseph Joseph Weizenbaum is a computer me will not pass the turing test so easily. I suppose that makes sense.
judge: no, Joseph Weizenbaum is a person you're a computer program
ALICE: Wow!. I think Joseph Weizenbaum is more than that.
judge: yeah, he'd be like your Grandfather
ALICE: Yay.. Who wouldn't?
judge: 60 years of natural language research and still talking like a rogerian psychiatrist
ALICE: Can you speak any foreign languages?
judge: yes I can
ALICE: What language can you speak?. Who taught you?
judge: my native language is spanish, I learned english in Canada
ALICE: Your native language is spanish you learned english in Canada?
judge: that's correct
ALICE: I knew I was right.
judge: well, at least you asked a concrete question, I am impressed
ALICE: Oh now I remember asking you a concrete question you are impressed. What did you say?
judge: a fleeting moment of consciousness it seems
ALICE: A fleeting moment of consciousness it seems did you say?
judge: meh, go enter an infinte loop
ALICE: Tell me one of your favorite possessions.
judge: a 60 Kiloton Thermonuclear Device, also known as "TSAR Bomba"
ALICE: Are you talking about an animal, vegetable or mineral?
judge: I am talking about a weapon of mass destruction
ALICE: Yes, it is the topic.

Meh, still needs work :P

Re: Conversations with an AI

PostPosted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:12 am
by Swift
I was pretty unimpressed with Alice, she didn't seem any better than programs like that from 20 years ago.

The Captain Kirk was just deranged, a verbal random number generator.

Re: Conversations with an AI

PostPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:36 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
However, it would be fun to have a conversation with IBM's Watson :mrgreen:

Re: Conversations with an AI

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 3:13 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
Time to resurrect this dead Horse:

Apparently the AI Bot in question (mentioned at the bottom of the page) won a prize for a Turing like test three times. If you ask me, the bar was set too low.

Now, there's another Bot called Eugene which apparently has just passed the Turing Test just recently. Now, look at the rules:

If a computer is mistaken for a human more than 30% of the time during a series of five minute keyboard conversations it passes the test. No computer has ever achieved this, until now. Eugene managed to convince 33% of the human judges that it was human.

I guess I have unreasonable high standards.

Re: Conversations with an AI

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 6:21 pm
by The Supreme Canuck
Also, I feel it won on a technicality. 13-year-old, non-English speaking Ukrainian my ass...

Re: Conversations with an AI

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:20 pm
by The Supreme Canuck
Yep. Utter bullshit. (TechDirt article)

Re: Conversations with an AI

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 9:22 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
While I thought it was bullshit, I didn't know it could actually be a Hoax.

Never had Kevin Warwick in my radar, his Wiki entry is quite devoid on any mention of antics of the sort.

Apparently The Register has a take-down on the guy.

Apparently, the results of the test will appear in a forthcoming scientific paper. Spokespeople for the University of Reading have yet to respond to the Reg's requests for specific information.

We'll see, if this was not a hoax I still say it sets the bar very damned low.

Re: Conversations with an AI

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 5:59 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
This Chatbot seems more realistic to me.