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An astro-happening

PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 8:27 pm
by cid
from an announcement from the Miami Valley Astronomical Society:

Triple Shadow Transit
There is a rare triple shadow transit on Jupiter this Friday night - Saturday morning.
(times appear to be EDT)
You will need a clear view of the eastern horizon with no obstructions!
Jupiter is just climbing above the horizon at 00:30 (just after
midnight). By 00:45 all three shadows will be visible.
Io start 00:30 - midtrans 1:37 - exit 2:44
Callisto - midtrans 00:23 - exit 1:40
Europa - midtrans 00:42 - exit 2:00
The Great Red Spot will showing after 1:00, though that will be harder to see.
Optics of 40x magnification ought to give you a half decent view of this.
Good luck!!

Re: An astro-happening

PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 9:06 pm
by pumpkinpi
I traveled forward in time and got a picture. It was awesome!