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I am supposed to know this cr@p...

PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:17 am
by cid
Awhile back, Mom got a new laptop for The End-Of-Year Solstice celebratory familial assemblage, and she gave me her old one.
I'll be doing some file cleanup work (burning mass quantities of family pix to CD, installing some new camera and medical software
[ya happy there, cm?], and a few other things).
But be d@mn3d if I can get it to log into the wireless network out here at the station.
There are apparently two different accessible wireless networks (depending on where you are in what started out as a totally
shielded building -- old Ma Bell hardened microwave relay site), and the available WEP key won't get me into either one.
Haven't used this thing in awhile, so oughtta let the battery recharge for awhile (and since it's the original laptop battery,
I can see that needing replacing in the foreseeable future). In the meantime, we'll try again.
First it goes back over to Mom's to make sure I'm able to log into the original WiFi (proper WEP key for that, everything's
working, etc etc etc) and after that throw myself on the mercies of a couple of the club ubergeeks and have them
take a looksee.
But as I implied in the thread title, this does not bode well for my future in the IT industry. Also doesn't do much for my
self confidence at this point...
There are days when Gates&Co can go commit a physical/biological impossibility upon themselves... :scream:

Re: I am supposed to know this cr@p...

PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:33 am
by SciFiFisher
WIFI connections occasionally require the sacrifice of a chicken or two to appease the IT gods. :P

Re: I am supposed to know this cr@p...

PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 5:15 am
by Sigma_Orionis
I have my WiFi here and at the Office to only accept connection from machines that have had their MAC addresses previously registered, primitive but saves our bandwidth, and in the office protects our internal network. Maybe the ones at the station are configured like that as well.