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Google... Skynet

PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 7:53 am
by Morrolan
forget drones: Google just bought their 6th robotics company, Boston Dynamics, creator of such very cool, but ultimately nightmarish creations as Petman, Big Dog, WildCat and Cheetah, and has now officially become a military contractor.

oh, and they are considering breaking with Intel and get into developing and producing their own ARM based CPU's.

i guess Judgment Day truly is inevitable...

anyone know where i can get a phased plasma rifle? :think:

Re: Google... Skynet

PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:09 am
by Cyborg Girl
These people also have Ray Kurzweil working for them... Sigh.

I feel like there should be laws against one company having this much control over our future.

Re: Google... Skynet

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 4:56 am
That would be a fun field to get into.
Years ago I wanted to do stuff like that but there was no market in Oz.
All robots there were industrial and not that good either.

Re: Google... Skynet

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:43 am
by SciFiFisher
Funny, that was the first thing I thought too when I heard that Google was buying a military robotics company. It's only a matter of time now. :lol:

Re: Google...Skynet...Amazon...Sinclair?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 8:57 am
by cid
Sinclair Community College her4e in Dayton OH will offer an online course in how to apply for a UAS permit from the FAA iin 2014.

Full details here --

Why do I feel that Amazon has its grubby little paws in this somewhere?
Military-industrial complex be's a conspiracy in the web-futuro-eco-edu cabal...

Re: Google... Skynet

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:25 pm
The robot age is coming, no one will need to work harsh jobs that pay low wages ever again.
Shortly after AI will get into the system and no one will ever have to program code again, the AI will happily do it for free and never get confused when looking back at code generated even decades ago. All programmers will be liberated.
Cars will drive themselves, so no more shitty taxi drivers or truck driver wages.
Pilots will be replaced and the safety record should go up.
Ships will navigate and by themselves and their crew will never have to be on board. No one will ever again be lost at sea.
Robots will pick the fruits and vegetables, deliver them, prepare them, cook them and serve them.

The new future of humanity. No one will ever have to work crappy shitty jobs again! WoooHooo!

Of course it will come with the inevitable, who the fuck can we sell all this stuff to since no one has money anymore problem.
Finally after all the centuries, Capitalism will rid itself of pesky workers and have fully automated everything.

Of course they also won't have a market to sell to so naturally the government will have to subsidize the poor unemployed so they can buy things to keep the stock market from crashing. This will escalate over time till no one is left employed.

The time of revelation during this pinnacle of Capitalism will occur where they realise that the great Capitalist dream is nothing more than ordinary Communism.
