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Inflation! The Good, Universal Kind!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 12:06 pm
by Rommie
So, we're not gonna at least briefly touch on the big news yesterday? (Some folks in the site I work for did a bang-up job explaining things here.) Cause this is huge- definitely the biggest discovery in cosmology since the CMB was first discovered.

Also, check out this video of Andrei Linde who first proposed inflation being told of the discovery. Brought a tear to this scientist's eye.

Re: Inflation! The Good, Universal Kind!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 12:35 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
I read the BBC note on it and (surprise) it was nowhere near as clear as the link you posted, BIG news indeed.

The video of Prof. Linde is heartfelt, I was thinking of Peter Higgs when CERN finally detected the Higgs Boson, Amazing these guys are around to see their work confirmed after so long.

Re: Inflation! The Good, Universal Kind!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 2:43 pm
by pumpkinpi
A UMinnesota professor with whom my institution has collaborated was on the research team, and was at the announcement. He gave a talk for us a few weeks ago. I couldn't make it, but now I have to go back and listen to see if he hinted at any of this. ... d423802311
If you are interested, it's Clem Pryke, and he did the talk on February 26.

Re: Inflation! The Good, Universal Kind!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 4:49 pm
The Universe runs on compound interest! :shock:

Couldn't help myself. lol

Pretty big news though.

Re: Inflation! The Good, Universal Kind!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 12:21 am
by Swift
Rommie wrote:So, we're not gonna at least briefly touch on the big news yesterday? (Some folks in the site I work for did a bang-up job explaining things here.) Cause this is huge- definitely the biggest discovery in cosmology since the CMB was first discovered.

Also, check out this video of Andrei Linde who first proposed inflation being told of the discovery. Brought a tear to this scientist's eye.

Thank you Rommie, that video was awesome. Brought a tear to my eye too. I think the first quote in my signature is very appropriate at the moment.