... on whether I should post this, but I think it needs to be mentioned at some point; might as well be now.
Basically, yeah, Joss Whedon is a real asshole in person. The kind of asshole who calls himself a feminist while repeatedly cheating on his wife, and then self-pityingly manipulates said wife to keep the marriage together.
https://www.thewrap.com/joss-whedon-fem ... cole-says/Mind you, I still think Firefly is pretty good. (In other news, Tchaikovsky fell in love with his nephew, but his symphonies are still great, right?)
However. People were raising red flags about almost every Whedon production for the
longest time. Same as with Woody Allen. The artist's values and conflicts rub off on the art, even if said artist tries to keep things "apolitical", and well... this fits, doesn't it? He says he likes "strong women", but really he'd rather have married River Tam.