House MD revisited

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House MD revisited

Postby lady_*nix » Thu Apr 18, 2024 6:31 pm

So one of my friends shared this video with me, about House MD's poor handling of trans and intersex issues:

But I haven't even gotten to the trans/intersex part. The first ten minutes of the video just cover House (and his entire team, sans the one woman on it) being an enormous creep towards a fifteen year old girl.

Back when I was in college I remember House was super popular, everyone I knew seemed to love the show. The guys in my dorm wanted to be House, and the girls wanted to sleep with him. IIRC I complained about it here, and the response I got was basically "Well he's supposed to be a brilliant asshole, so it just follows." I think I eventually filed it under "another thing I am oversensitive about for unclear reasons".

A decade and change later, watching this, I do not feel like I was being too sensitive about House. Even considering it was pre-#MeToo, this was so far above and beyond the usual media sexism and creepiness at the time, just very openly crossing the line from portrayal to apologia.

I was not a great guy in a lot of ways, and there are a lot of things I regret about what I said, did, and thought in that part of my life. Including a lot of stuff I posted here. But damned if I didn't have better taste in media than I gave myself credit for.
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