I'm with you on that TSC.
It's about the rebirth of the rugged individualist from the general pansies that men have become today.
I will note though that for some reason the rule I read once on how to tell if a movie has strong women in it/ women who control the plot is the rule of thumb of "two women must have a conversation, and it must be about something to drive the plot forward, and not about a man.
Now maybe I might be getting myself into a world of shit here, but, doesn't that mean that most real world situations therefore don't have strong women?
By that I mean aren't a large percentage of conversations between women about men?
Now I just want to point out that by the same token a large percentage of conversations between men are are about women.
IOW, is't that just normal life?
For that matter, I know of very few chick flicks that aren't about women and their relationship's with men. Since these are targeted specifically for women (I avoid them like most men do) does that mean there are no strong women in chick flicks? More to the point, they always seem to be the popular movies with women so in effect there is a large segment of the female population that want's this.
Speaking of the term "strong women", its one of the things that's been getting me irritated lately.
The reason is that there is no counter part for men. A "strong man" is just a "man".
By throwing the term "strong women" around it's starting to make me realise that the standard expectation about women is that they are weak, thus the strong qualifier. I wonder how many people don't realise that by constantly referencing strong women in movies/society what they are really doing is inducing the notion that strong women are a rarity.
And that's where I disagree.