Movie 43

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Movie 43

Postby FZR1KG » Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:40 pm

Ok, rommie's recent review reminded me that I hadn't shared this utter garbage yet here.

The movie is all star, I mean it has so many famous people it's crazy.
There is no real way to describe this other than it's a group of little stories ties together with a ridiculous plot.
So that's the good stuff out of the way.
Let's tackle the bad.
This movie would appeal to 16 year old sexually repressed males that don't have a chance getting laid in a back water brothel in the seediest part of Russia.

It's disgusting. I really mean disgusting. The concepts it put forth are mind boggling and so over the top retarded it's hard to imagine a desperate individual with no acting history looking for his first big break would degrade himself to be a part of it.

So let's cut to the chase. ****SPOILER ALERT****

The first scene is about a guy that has a his testicles hanging from his neck instead of where they should be. It's about his blind date with a woman who seems to be the only person that notices his balls are not where they should be.
Ok, not brilliant, some sort of funny moments but overall pretty stupid.

Then they go to a couple that are in love and each wants to tell the other something so they decide to tell each other at the same time. He had an engagement ring and wanted to propose. She blurts out that she wants him to poop on her. It's her gift to him that he have a dump on her...bla ba bla. We just skipped the rest of that scene.

Another was a couple who home schooled their son. So he didn't miss out on the full experience of school they ridiculed him, tied him naked to a pole in their front yard and made him yell that he likes to suck cocks. This garbage peaked when his mother wanted him to experience the prom so decides to make out with him and go all the way.

Oh, it really doesn't get any better though there was a funny scene with a basketball match and coach prepping his all black team to play against an all white team.

Overall rating. -10 out of a 0 to 10 scale.
It was so shit it needed its own scale and got it.

Re: Movie 43

Postby Cyborg Girl » Tue Dec 31, 2013 8:16 pm

And here I was thinking you were drunk or something, because nobody sober could come up with a BS story like that... Unfortunately it's genuine. Woe is me.

(Though to be honest, I'm not sure what else I'd expect from the guy who produced Dumb and Dumber.)
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Re: Movie 43

Postby FZR1KG » Tue Dec 31, 2013 9:35 pm

Dumb and dumber was kind of cute dumb. Innocent dumb.
This was just some vulgar screwed up garbage put on screen.
Yet the stars flocked to it. Goes to show how little brains they actually have.
People funded it.
There are some really good stories out there and writers trying to get something made that is decent but can't get funding and instead we get investors pouring money into this shit.
Hollywood has turned into a garbage processing plant.

Re: Movie 43

Postby SciFi Chick » Wed Jan 01, 2014 3:28 am

FZR1KG wrote:Dumb and dumber was kind of cute dumb. Innocent dumb.
This was just some vulgar screwed up garbage put on screen.
Yet the stars flocked to it. Goes to show how little brains they actually have.
People funded it.
There are some really good stories out there and writers trying to get something made that is decent but can't get funding and instead we get investors pouring money into this shit.
Hollywood has turned into a garbage processing plant.

When I went to see The Player back in '92, I only wish that I'd known Robert Altman was a goddamn prophet.
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Re: Movie 43

Postby squ1d » Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:44 pm

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Re: Movie 43

Postby Thumper » Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:49 pm

Mrs. T stumbled onto this on Netflix last week. We both thought it was shocking, disgusting, juvenile, and....hilarious. The leprechaun scene made me nearly fall off the couch in uncontrollable laughter. The end of the "poop on me" scene was not to be missed. I'll never be able to use my windshield wipers the same way again.
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