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Defiance - Jumps the meteor?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:03 am
Not sure who saw the last episode of Defiance but really??
Spoilers so don't read if you haven't seen it.

I'm pretty forgiving in scripts so long as they make sense and have internal consistency.
This last episode was just pathetic on both fronts.

1) A spaceship is losing orbit and going to hit defiance.
Ok, BUT, it sends fragments of itself raining to Earth, happens to stab a person and kill them. It releases nanites into the person that resurrects him and prevents him from being dissolved in acid as part of the burial ritual. Then proceeds to make him steal a whole load of shit to build a transmitter so he can send a message to the ship to activate its thrusters to miss the city...okie What moron came up with that shit?

2) The transmission had a timer setup that told them when to fire the thrusters so it can avoid hitting the city. Um, really? The sooner the better as anyone that understands trajectory would know.

3) The lame side plots??? Wtf.
Bitch1 complaining that her man, who broke into another persons house with intent to steal and kill if need be, got killed and that she may just do something about it by invoking the law. Really? In the society they have set up killing an intruder would be expected. WTF.

Not going to go further, but, I could.

Instead, I'll just jump over this meteor headed my way.

Re: Defiance - Jumps the meteor?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 4:18 pm
by SciFiFisher
You're not very good at suspending your disbelief are you? :lol:

Re: Defiance - Jumps the meteor?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:39 am
by SciFi Chick
SciFiFisher wrote:You're not very good at suspending your disbelief are you? :lol:

He is when there is internal consistency, but the following episode told us all about how we can't have air travel anymore due to radiation being 400 feet above the earth. I have a friend that is the science "advisor" for this show, and he got completely pissed off when we cracked a joke about them not using his services on one of the episodes. Apparently, he is content with the 'science' of the show. This guy is a smart, physicist/astronomer who has clearly been bought off. :(

Re: Defiance - Jumps the meteor?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:58 am
That last 400 feet of the atmosphere blocks a shit load of radiation that makes air travel in a metal vessel impossible above that same altitude.
I should patent 400 feet of air as the ultimate radiation shield.
I better just stop now.
The show uses grade 2 physics, ok, fine. It doesn't rate that good.