Godzilla, I mean. Saw the movie and thought it fairly good. But a couple of things bothered me - not big spoilers, so worry not.
One, God didn't get much screen time considering he's (or she's) the marquee attraction. I do know the original was that way too - the monster was rarely fully on screen. But I want more!
Two, why do sci-fi/monster/disaster flick moviemakers hold onto this bizarre notion that whoever the senior military officer in charge of the immediate scene when the monster/disaster first occurs must necessarily continue in that role until the bitter, bloody end? Seriously, do they really think the military command structure is such that a two-star admiral commanding a carrier group in the Western Pacific is going to be in charge of coordinating the military response to protect the entire US west coast? We do have a few four-star officers hanging about needing something to do, ya know. It's worse in some older sic-fi movies where a colonel basically becomes commander in chief of the US military. I have the same complaint sometimes with disaster movie scientists.
Both are minor complaints. Godzilla rocks.