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WTF movies

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:57 am
We got Amazon Prime recently and were looking at various movies and came across, "Plan 9 from outer space".
For some reason I thought there was a "Plan B" as well.
So we did a search and stumbled across this fine w.t.f. moment in cinema history: Gayniggers from outer space

It's on my watch list now if I can find it! lol

Re: WTF movies

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 5:21 am
by Sigma_Orionis
I presume it's a cult movie now.

Re: WTF movies

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 10:09 am
by geonuc
I don't know about the second movie you mention, but Plan 9 is actually pretty famous for being so bad it's good.

Re: WTF movies

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 12:37 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
From what I read of the other one, it's a Scandinavian camp movie, much like that one Rommie likes so much: Iron Sky :P

Re: WTF movies

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 7:38 pm
by Swift
I believe Gay Sharknado from Planet X versus Blackula III - The Prequel is on SyFy next week.