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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 6:57 pm
by Parrothead
Memories of watching the tv show "The Amazing Kreskin", in the early/mid - 70's, led me to go to the CNE a couple of weeks ago (first time in 10 years). I usually take in the air show on the Labour Day weekend, but went earlier this year, skipping the air show. Appearing throughout the run of the exhibition, Kreskin was doing a couple of shows daily. I figured what the heck, took in the two shows the day that I went, each lasted 45 mins - 1 hour. The two shows were different and I did find them amusing.

The air show this year featured many acts I've seen in previous years, so I didn't mind missing it. Canada's Lancaster bomber is currently touring Britain, with their flight-worthy Lanc. The two are appearing at air shows throughout the UK. A seat on the flight over from Canada was auctioned off, someone paid for a trip to be remembered.