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Ugly cartoon frog becomes skinhead mascot

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 10:54 pm
by Cyborg Girl
Yes, for real. And its name is Pepe. Bizarre. ... ymbol.html


Pepe the Frog was created by American artist Matt Furie. The meme came from his comic, Boy's Club #1. The foundation of Boy's Club was a zine that he made on Microsoft Paint called Playtime.[3] He posted his comic in a series of blog posts on Myspace in 2005.[2][4] In the comic, Pepe was found urinating with his pants pulled down to his ankles and the catchphrase, "Feels good man" was his rationale.[5][6]

That does describe something quintessential about the souls of wankers, doesn't it? :roll: