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True Blood

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 1:13 pm
by geonuc
Mentioned in the binge watching thread that I'd been working way through True Blood. I've finished the series, which is seven seasons long and took me a while, so not a true binge.

Wow. Few series affect me on an emotional level - Battlestar Galactica, The Sopranos, MASH, Star Trek TNG are a few. True Blood is added to that list. Along with a great vampire concept that strode a wavering path between good and evil vampires, the characters and character development were astounding. Add in some novel fae concepts and good effects.

One thing that bugged me a bit because I'm a vampire afficionado of sorts is their rather loose application of the *known fact* that older vampires are stronger than younger ones. While they did adhere to that somewhat, there were a few significant deviations that shouldn't have been. Roman, the head of the Authority for one, was not ancient and not even the oldest on the Authority council. Eric Northman at 1000 years was far older than Roman and should not have been pushed around so much by the Authority, or by the Magister (who was also quite a bit younger than Eric). Eric's maker, Godric, was even older and should have been able to protect his protege from Authority harassment. The only time they seem to believe in the concept of strength with age was with the 3000 year old Edgington, where the writers often had him and other characters refer to his 3000 years as formidable.

Anyway, after the final scene dimmed, I felt a bit drained (no pun intended although it would be a good one).

Re: True Blood

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 3:23 pm
by SciFi Chick
I loved that show. I look forward to rewatching it at some point. I remember when Bill seemed to turn into an asshole in the second season, we rewatched the first season, and it was all there. It wasn't a random change in direction. All the clues were there. Really brilliant writing. I must say I was very dissatisfied with how they took out Tara. There were a few other things that dissatisfied me as well, but, overall, brilliant series. And I hope the actors that play Sookie and Bill live happily ever after in real life. :D

Re: True Blood

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 4:30 pm
by vendic
The older vampires didn't have as much political power seems to me in tune with the way a lot of things play out in reality. People who have little inherent ability, little personal strength or resolve, attain positions of power so that the position itself gives them what they can never have in reality. They then cling to it as long as they can because without the position, they are worthless nobodies. Only a very small percentage of people who's individual character casts the same reflection as the seat of power they hold have the desire to take that seat.
So from my pov, even that aspect was well written and made sense.
I didn't care for Tara's demise either.
Overall I loved the show. Bill drove me nuts. Hated him from the start. Loved Jason. Godric was a disappointment. They could have done a lot there.
The show gave me some really good laughs too.

Re: True Blood

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 5:23 pm
by geonuc
Vampires aren't people. Their strength doesn't derive from a forceful personality or resolve. It's inherent in their vampire nature to grow stronger (physically and mentally) as they age. The show acknowledged this on a few occasions, the most obvious was with Edgington but also other vamps. My criticism was that they weren't consistent. Sure, Godric was a pacifist so he wasn't going to exert his power over younger vampires unless really provoked. But Eric Northman? No way that guy lets a 500 year old youngster push him around.

Re: True Blood

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:05 pm
by SciFi Chick
geonuc wrote:Vampires aren't people. Their strength doesn't derive from a forceful personality or resolve. It's inherent in their vampire nature to grow stronger (physically and mentally) as they age. The show acknowledged this on a few occasions, the most obvious was with Edgington but also other vamps. My criticism was that they weren't consistent. Sure, Godric was a pacifist so he wasn't going to exert his power over younger vampires unless really provoked. But Eric Northman? No way that guy lets a 500 year old youngster push him around.

That always bugged me as well. Eric is one of my favorite characters overall. The actor did a brilliant job attempting to reconcile the contradictions, but, like so many shows, they established him as this really powerful creature, and then, they often did not allow him to use that power for very weak reasons.

Re: True Blood

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:17 pm
by geonuc
SciFi Chick wrote:That always bugged me as well. Eric is one of my favorite characters overall. The actor did a brilliant job attempting to reconcile the contradictions, but, like so many shows, they established him as this really powerful creature, and then, they often did not allow him to use that power for very weak reasons.

I liked Eric as well. He was a vampire in touch with who he was. I really liked how he never shed his Viking heritage, ultimately exacting revenge for the deaths of his parents after a thousand years. Now, that's a Viking!

Re: True Blood

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:23 pm
by SciFi Chick
geonuc wrote:
SciFi Chick wrote:That always bugged me as well. Eric is one of my favorite characters overall. The actor did a brilliant job attempting to reconcile the contradictions, but, like so many shows, they established him as this really powerful creature, and then, they often did not allow him to use that power for very weak reasons.

I liked Eric as well. He was a vampire in touch with who he was. I really liked how he never shed his Viking heritage, ultimately exacting revenge for the deaths of his parents after a thousand years. Now, that's a Viking!

Yeah - his whole attitude is reminiscent of all the vikings on the show "Vikings." Makes me wonder if they just all really admired him. :lol:

Re: True Blood

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:34 pm
by squ1d
I liked the boobs.

Re: True Blood

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 8:27 pm
by geonuc
squ1d wrote:I liked the boobs.

It is an HBO show. :)

Re: True Blood

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 8:56 pm
by vendic
geonuc wrote:Vampires aren't people. Their strength doesn't derive from a forceful personality or resolve. It's inherent in their vampire nature to grow stronger (physically and mentally) as they age. The show acknowledged this on a few occasions, the most obvious was with Edgington but also other vamps. My criticism was that they weren't consistent. Sure, Godric was a pacifist so he wasn't going to exert his power over younger vampires unless really provoked. But Eric Northman? No way that guy lets a 500 year old youngster push him around.

I think they tried to justify his leniency because he was sired by Godric and he had great respect for. Having said that, I too was disappointed by Eric's willingness to be a carpet too often. He needed to listen to Pam. One of my favorite characters that they didn't really develop as much as they should have.

Re: True Blood

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 11:57 pm
by SciFi Chick
OMG - I loved Pam so MUCH!

Re: True Blood

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 1:20 am
by geonuc
Pam was awesome. As was Lafayette.

Re: True Blood

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 7:57 am
by SciFi Chick
geonuc wrote:Pam was awesome. As was Lafayette.

Oh yes! I miss me some Lafayette! :D

Re: True Blood

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 3:42 pm
by vendic
Particularly the "aid's burger" scene. lol