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Anyone watch youtube movie reviews?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 6:55 am
by Tarragon
I go by spells. I feel they help me focus on my own writing. Unless I spend all my time watching them, then it's more like the blackhole of TVTropes. I love watching Honest Trailers. They only take 4-5 minutes. Cracked has several series that are funny and only about 8-10 minutes long.

One of my favorites are the long form video essays-turned-performance-pieces by RedLetterMedia, AKA Mr. Plinkett. (Mmm, pizza rolls!) They've got some other series too, like Half in the Bag, but they're still 20-40 minutes long. They're most famous are about the Star Wars Prequels. They're about 70-90 minutes long, longer if you have to pause to give yourself to stop laughing, crying or to get a change of underwear.

However, if you've ever wanted to watch a reboot of Star Wars, consider watching "What if Star Wars: Episode * Was Good" by Belated Media (* is Episodes I, II, III). Forget fan theories, this guy takes the core elements and rewrites the story so that it actually has drama and makes sense across the whole trilogy.

Not to be outdone, the ladies have some great reviews too. I like Jenny Nicholson. Her reviews are good too.

What do you guy like?

Re: Anyone watch youtube movie reviews?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:41 am
by SciFi Chick
I LOVE Honest Trailers. I also enjoy the "Everything Wrong With..." series. Sometimes, he goes over the top, but, for the most part, he's funny.

Re: Anyone watch youtube movie reviews?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 5:24 am
by Tarragon
SciFi Chick wrote:I LOVE Honest Trailers. I also enjoy the "Everything Wrong With..." series. Sometimes, he goes over the top, but, for the most part, he's funny.

I like the sampling voice-overs, or whatever you call it, that CinemaSins ("everything wrong with...") does at the end. I'm always trying to guess where the sound clip came from. And sometimes he gives points back for rule of cool. I think the stuff he found wrong with Deadpool was a stretch, probably because he couldn't find much that was actually wrong with it.

Sometimes I wonder if I should start my own youtube channel. I'm not a film student, so maybe that wouldn't fly.