Last Man on the Moon

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Last Man on the Moon

Postby Thumper » Mon Apr 24, 2017 11:44 am

This slipped by me when it first came out. As I was reading about the new Apollo Mission Control Movie, "Mission Control: The Unsung Heroes of Apollo," I stumbled onto the fact that I missed this movie based on Gene Cernan's book of the same name. There was enough new stuff in there to keep me interested. His ex-wife was interviewed and featured prominently, for which I was glad. I remember being upset reading the book that it seemed after all the hard work was done keeping the family, and the household together, all the wile keeping a public face, he dumped her for a funner, younger model. But it didn't exactly happen like that. And she got to tell her side. But possibly the one thing that I came away from the film with was his lifelong friendship with Baldwin, one of his Navy flying buddies. Two tough fighter jocks, now in their 80's, hugging, telling each other that they love them. I was envious.
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