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Bojack Horseman

PostPosted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 9:50 pm
by Rommie
Anyone else ever watch this show? I'm about to say the most yuppie thing by saying I never knew about this show until hearing the creator on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me! a month or two back, and have been steadily binge watching the four seasons on Netflix. Gonna be done in a week or two at this rate. :)

Show has what sounds like the weirdest premise ever at first glance- Bojack lives in a world where there are humans, and then there are basically humans with animal heads, and Bojack is a washed up actor from a 90s sitcom where he, a horse, adopted three human children. Pretty light to start, but really quickly goes into predictable issues but also things like mental illness in ways I've never seen before. And then there's just some random stuff that is just amazing- I won't give anything away, but an episode that takes place underwater might be one of the most genius pieces of television I've ever seen.

Anyway, definitely a modern-day Simpsons in terms of how they approach things. Can definitely recommend it.

Re: Bojack Horseman

PostPosted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:09 pm
by pumpkinpi
That sounds really cool! I'll have see if it becomes available on my two tv show resources: DVDs or Amazon Prime. I think I'm in the only household in the US without Netflix.

Re: Bojack Horseman

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 11:26 am
by Thumper
I was listening to that WWDTM episode. Maybe give the show a look.

Re: Bojack Horseman

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 4:24 pm
by Rommie
Do it!

And yeah pumpkinpi, probably a DVD thing as it's a Netflix original. And you're not the only household without- my best friend similarly still just relies on DVDs, so I always joke movie nights there are positively retro.

... though I just realized this was when we were living in the Netherlands, so yeah, you might be the only ones in your respective countries. :P

Re: Bojack Horseman

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 10:16 pm
by geonuc
I admit having watched a episode of Bojack Horseman and been entirely unimpressed. Worse, even.

That said, Rommie's post on its virtues lead me to believe that I wrote it off too casually. I will revisit the series.

Re: Bojack Horseman

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 11:46 pm
by Rommie
geonuc wrote:I admit having watched a episode of Bojack Horseman and been entirely unimpressed. Worse, even.

That said, Rommie's post on its virtues lead me to believe that I wrote it off too casually. I will revisit the series.

It's an interesting series because where it starts from versus where it goes are really different places. For example, if you want a good idea of what the later shows are like and don't mind skipping ahead, may I recommend Season 4, Episode 5, which is about gun control. I mean you likely won't get the longer arc storytelling, but you'd get an idea of the sort of social commentary I'm talking about.

Re: Bojack Horseman

PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 11:16 am
by SciFiFisher
I had not heard of this. Ah well, it will go on my list of the top 200 television shows I probably won't get a chance to watch. :lol:

Re: Bojack Horseman

PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 9:52 pm
by geonuc
SciFiFisher wrote:I had not heard of this. Ah well, it will go on my list of the top 200 television shows I probably won't get a chance to watch. :lol:

I also have a list of 200 shows I need to watch, but I forgot where I put it.

Re: Bojack Horseman

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 1:16 pm
by Thumper
I searched for it on Netflix and only found one episode for some reason. A "Christmas Episode." We started it and got about 3-4 minutes in before I handed the remote to Mrs. T and she found something else to watch. I'll see if I can find other episodes using the computer instead of the TV interface. I'll probably have to sample anything I find by myself. I doubt Mrs. T will give it another chance. I was seriously thinking I'd come in this morning, find this thread and realize I watched the wrong series. But how in the world do you confuse Bojack Horseman with anything else? :P

Re: Bojack Horseman

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 5:06 pm
by Rommie
Yeah, that's definitely not the one I'd start with. :P

Kinda weird though, because when I just search "Bojack" on Netflix it's definitely the first thing that comes up for me. There's also a Christmas show but that came later, and is fairly insider so not what I'd recommend starting with.