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Get Out

PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 4:46 am
by SciFi Chick
Have any of you seen it? I noticed it was nominated for Best Picture and included with one of my streaming subscriptions, so I took a chance.

Absolutely loved it. Just brilliant.

Re: Get Out

PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 12:47 pm
by Thumper
I've been wanting to see it. First, I love Jordan Peele and a couple critics I trust said it was a truly great movie. It's on the list.

Re: Get Out

PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 4:32 pm
by geonuc
I saw it and was a bit underwhelmed, mainly because of high expectations. A good movie but not Best Picture in my opinion.

One of the things I didn't like was that they didn't convince me that the evil people could do what they were doing. I'll suspend disbelief as well as anyone provided the premise is set up to do so. I mean, I'm good with vampires and Cylons, but not this, at least without more premise.

It's billed as horror/comedy but really doesn't do either all that well.

Re: Get Out

PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 12:06 am
by SciFiFisher
I may or may not see it. I generally don't do horror. I say generally because occasionally I will do something like Psycho or Silence of the Lambs. And of course there were the Wayans Brothers comedy horror satire movies. roll:

And getting Brite to watch horror requires lots of duct tape. :twisted:

We have a really hard time with the special level of moron that most horror movie victims seem to be. Sort of like that Gieco commercial where the victims run around making stupid choices and finally settle for hiding in the shed full of chain saws because "That's what they do". roll:

Re: Get Out

PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 2:18 am
by geonuc
SciFiFisher wrote:I may or may not see it. I generally don't do horror. I say generally because occasionally I will do something like Psycho or Silence of the Lambs. And of course there were the Wayans Brothers comedy horror satire movies. roll:

And getting Brite to watch horror requires lots of duct tape. :twisted:

We have a really hard time with the special level of moron that most horror movie victims seem to be. Sort of like that Gieco commercial where the victims run around making stupid choices and finally settle for hiding in the shed full of chain saws because "That's what they do". roll:

This is not that kind of horror movie. Quite a bit more cerebral.

Re: Get Out

PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 11:46 am
by grapes
What pushed me over the edge, in deciding to see it, was its popularity amongst TSA agents. Kinda humanizing.

Re: Get Out

PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 8:27 pm
by SciFi Chick
I didn't have any expectations about it because I didn't know anything about it. I found it tense, scary and hilarious.

I was able to suspend disbelief about what they were doing because I loved the symbolism of it.

Re: Get Out

PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 8:54 pm
by Thumper
I think Peele was trying to use that symbolism to communicate what a certain group of people go through to a group of people that really have no idea what that's like or maybe that it's even still happening.

Re: Get Out

PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 4:52 pm
by geonuc
Several of my friends were all over this movie when it came out, which raised my expectations. One of them in particular was scared shitless by the film. She's black and I can't remember if she advised her POC peeps to avoid the movie or to see it because it affected her so deeply. Either way, that's how I went into it. I know it resonated with African-Americans in particular, obviously, but I like to think that my sensibilities are such that it could resonate with me, too. Didn't happen, and not because the victims were black and I'm not but because it just wasn't as good as I hoped. And the premise thing I mentioned.

Still, a good movie. I'd put it as a Top Ten for 2017, but not Top Five.

Re: Get Out

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 12:29 pm
by Thumper
Sunday Morning, yesterday had a nice segment with Jordan Peele. Of course touched on the movie but was more about his career. I was a little saddened when he stated that he'd rather not be in front of the camera ever again, he'd rather direct. He's such a good comedic actor. His series with Keegan-Michael Key, I thought, was fall down hilarious.