The Morning Show

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The Morning Show

Postby Rommie » Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:01 pm

So, F and I started watching this because he bought an iPad recently which included a free year of Apple TV. Which frankly doesn't seem to have much else that interests me, but this show is awesome enough that I'm mentioning it here in case others want to check it out if they might already get access.

Synopsis: Jennifer Anniston and Steve Carrell are long time hosts of a morning show on TV, and Carell gets accused in the MeToo movement and gets dropped. (Not a spoiler you learn about this in the first few seconds of the series.) So the show is reeling. Reese Witherspoon is also in it as a feisty reporter type character, and does a good job. And frankly the production values are outstanding- there's a lot of parallel in quality IMO with how House of Cards was such a solid show to get Netflix started as a contender in having their own show.

But yeah the engaging character aside, I'm hoping some of you watch it in particular because I think it really touches on a lot of MeToo movement discussions we've had here. I don't want to give too much away but there's a lot about consent versus legit creepy behavior, etc. I also really like that they cast Carrell as a character who never denies he had affairs, but insists he shouldn't be punished for consensual affairs at work, and the show has really been poking at where the line is between what's appropriate behavior and not.

Anyway hope someone else watches it!
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