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PostPosted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:05 pm
by pumpkinpi
I know we have at least one Buffyphile here who will appreciate this post.....

I started watching Buffy midway through its 2nd to last season, I believe, but never made it a priority to catch every episode. I didn't start to get into it until about 10 years ago when I founding it showing on a cable channel in the morning hour when I was getting ready for work. For most years since then, it's been running at about the same time on one channel or another. Right now it's on Chiller. Some channels also run marathons on the weekends every now and then. I certainly don't get to catch it every time--maybe 15 minutes of it 2-3 times a week. That's only when my kids don't dawdle getting ready for day care and I can come back and watch the end after I drop them off. My special 15 minutes of me time. But I've seen all of the episodes countless times, so that is enough to remind me of the whole show, as if I've sat through the whole thing.

The more I watch it, the more I love it. Joss Whedon and his production/writing crew were brilliant with this series. There is such a level of continuity that it's easy to imagine, like Lost, they had most of it planned out from the start. Or at least after the first couple seasons.

My favorite season/storyline is the one with Glory. I'm in the middle of that one right now. It is such a clever, truly unique story. The actress did a fantastic job with the wonderful character they wrote. I'm surprised I haven't seen her in more since then.
I cry every time I see the final episode of the season--The Gift.

My favorite overarching story is the romance of Willow and Tara. I especially like the fact that they never exploited the fact that they were gay. The only time it was a big deal was when Willow came out, and even then it was much less of a dramatic situation than it is written on other shows. Once that part was over, it was just a truly moving and sensitive relationship we got to follow through its ups and way, way downs.

I could go on and on with more stories and episodes--Hush, Once More With Feeling, the supervillians (the darkest part of the series, I think, is when Willow skins Warren), Willow's unintentional invisibility, vampire Willow and many many more. I could also go on and on about the brilliance of Joss in other series....

I am just realizing that many of my favorite episodes involve Willow. Hmm. She must be my favorite character. And I'm very impressed with the actress. Following such a successful, long-running series, actors either do not get any major roles for a long time (Sarah Michelle Gellar, most of the cast of Lost) or get typecast.It's hard to see them and think of anything but that character. But Alyson Hannigan broke that barrier by doing such a great job in How I Met Your Mother. I can totally separate the characters Lilly from Willow in my mind.

Re: Buffy

PostPosted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:44 pm
The show really screwed up Zanders character though.

Anya was my favorite. She cracked me up.

Re: Buffy

PostPosted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:56 pm
by SciFi Chick
I agree pumpkin. I always related to Willow, and yeah - the skinning of Warren was very dark and delicious. I also found Buffy's relationship with Spike very dark. Especially when he's screwing her from behind in the Bronze.

And though I agree with FZ that they messed up Xander's character, it doesn't make it less believable because I've watched people go from being awesome to being majorly screwed up, so I see Xander as a very tragic figure.

Re: Buffy

PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:31 pm
by brite
Xander was always one of my favorite characters... Him and Willow... Personally... I thought they rocked.

Wait... you mean they weren't the heroes of the show??

Re: Buffy

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 4:22 am
by SciFi Chick
In a perfect world, they would have ended up together.

Re: Buffy

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:06 pm
by brite
Willow and Xander?? No... I think that Xander and Anya were the perfect couple and that Willow and the Slayer (in the end, although, I was really pulling for Tara!) worked for me...

Frankly, I couldn't stand Angel, but I did get into the relationship of Buffy and Spike... it worked for me. It was the first healthy relationship that Buffy really had.

Yeah... I know... I'm sick and twisted....

Re: Buffy

PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:03 pm
by SciFi Chick
You can't really call it a healthy relationship, but it was certainly the most honest relationship she had.

I hate that slayer. She got on my nerves in the worst way. If Willow couldn't be with Tara, I certainly wouldn't have minded them bringing Oz back.

And they could have found another woman for her, but I just couldn't stand that slayer chick.

It's also unfortunate that they ruined the Xander/Anya relationship. It would have been nice if one person from the gang had a happy relationship.

I like Angel. He's definitely got his good points. I like him a lot better on the show Angel than on Buffy, but Spike was hands down the better man.

Re: Buffy

PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:09 pm
by brite
Spike, in the end, did the things that he did, out of love. (getting a soul)

Angel was too angsty... I don't mind a guy with baggage, but a full matching set, with carry ons AND several pullmans?? OMG! Get OVER IT ALREADY!

Xander and Anya were figuring themselves out, and she did the most incredibly noble thing -- she gave her life for someone else. Tara became Willow's guiding light, but she needed someone to be her earthly touchstone too -- enter that slayer chick.

Yeah... I know... I'm way too invested -- SyFy channel played Buffy marathon the other day....

Re: Buffy

PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:37 pm
by pumpkinpi
There is a marathon on RIGHT NOW on Chiller--the final year. And I'm at work.

This morning's daily show was when Glory creamed Tara's brain and found out Dawn was the key.

Last week showed The Body. :cry:

I hated Willow with Kennedy in the last season, too. I don't think it added anything to the storyline other than Willow having someone to be with in the episode where everyone coupled up on what they thought could be the final night. Otherwise, I don't think she really needed to be in a relationship.

Re: Buffy

PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:56 pm
by brite
One of my favorites is "Once More with Feeling"... the "musical"... LOL

I hated "The Body". It was too heart wrenching...

Re: Buffy

PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 3:12 pm
brite wrote:I hated "The Body". It was too heart wrenching...

Then he became a Governor, whats that all aboot?

Re: Buffy

PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 3:16 pm
by pumpkinpi
FZR1KG wrote:
brite wrote:I hated "The Body". It was too heart wrenching...

Then he became a Governor, whats that all aboot?

Evil Governor. He took away my planetarium funding.

Re: Buffy

PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 4:31 pm
by brite
FZR1KG wrote:
brite wrote:I hated "The Body". It was too heart wrenching...

Then he became a Governor, whats that all aboot?
Wrong episode, Z... :rofl: