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"I'm going to call my mama! I'm going to call her!"

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:31 pm
by Rebis
Anyone else see one of the latest on "Mystery Diners"? I don't watch a lot of TV, but sometimes watch this. Featured R & O's Restaurant in New Orleans. A "family affair" run by an uncle whose 3 siblings are also invested (restaurant was started by their parents).

All employees were nieces and nephews.

Dee Dee is one of those nieces, and she's...a fat slob psychobrat who was immediately bullying and harrassing new (non-family) employees. She rubbed a sandwich bun beneath her breasts (actual skin contact) when a Mystery Diner posing as a customer asked to have his sandwich redone.

It sure takes all kinds.

She threw a massive tantrum during the confrontation, got right in the face of Charles Stiles, screaming at him to shut up and etc. The look on her face during was pure hatred and arrogance.

Her uncle fired her (prompting the "I'm going to call my mama; you just wait!" tirade)...but I checked online that she's apologized and been rehired.

Apparently Dee Dee had a (very brief) spot on some reality TV show on Bravo. So she's got the notion she's a big hotshot celebrity, and being a member of (very locally) semi-famous

One of the nastiest assholes I've yet seen on any of these shows.

Re: "I'm going to call my mama! I'm going to call her!"

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:08 pm
by brite
I SAW that episode! I wouldn't have hired her back... and my response would have been... "Go ahead... call your mama... tell her that ____________ and I will buy her out... just so that we DON'T have to re-hire you! And good luck getting another job in this town... because a reference from THIS establishment will NOT be forthcoming!"

Re: "I'm going to call my mama! I'm going to call her!"

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:42 pm
by Rebis
Yeah. :|

It's one thing (and totally wrong) if she were harrassing new employees (she apparently wants it to be exclusively family working there) and running them off.

But her attitude towards a CUSTOMER? That shocked me; her brazenness with the bun, and making scenes right there in the dining room too.

That chick needs a serious attitude adjustment (and hard, swift kick in the butt). If public humiliation didn't do it, I reckon she's a lost cause.