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Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 4:08 pm
by brite
We made pizza the other night (Saturday) -- David (SonOBrite) made the dough, and I did the rest (with Poe's help, of course...) I have pictures on my phone and as soon as I DL them... I'll post them....

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:09 pm
by Swift
Paris food porn

A small part of the selection from a cheese shop we visited during our Marais (a neighborhood in Paris) food tour.

My entree (the French use that to mean first course, not main course), from our first dinner. It was a variant on a Caprese salad

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:18 am
by geonuc
Say what? A caprese salad? It doesn't look like a caprese salad.

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 3:15 am
by Swift
geonuc wrote:Say what? A caprese salad? It doesn't look like a caprese salad.

That's the fun. It had the flavor profile. It was a tomato (a rather dark, almost purple one), stuffed with a mozzarella filling, on a basil and avocado gel. It was yummy.

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:40 am
by brite
Swift wrote:
geonuc wrote:Say what? A caprese salad? It doesn't look like a caprese salad.

That's the fun. It had the flavor profile. It was a tomato (a rather dark, almost purple one), stuffed with a mozzarella filling, on a basil and avocado gel. It was yummy.

You can do weird things and call it "Caprese"... I like to do a Caprese style salad with cherry tomatoes, feta, lemon juice, olive oil and oregano... Kind of Greek style...

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 9:17 am
by geonuc

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 3:45 pm
by Swift

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 11:38 am
by geonuc
I thought we needed a taco moment.

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:59 pm
geonuc wrote:
Swift wrote:
brite wrote:Stirring?? If you keep your eye on it, and stir after the addition of each ladle of stock... you don't need to stir constantly.

Well that's a useful piece of info. All the recipes say stir constantly or terrible things will happen (I assume they involve pestilence). I'll have to try that some time.

Yep. Not like a roux which you have to attend constantly.

REMINDER! This is the Food Porn thread.


Rissotto, I love the stuff but I can't order it when eating out as almost no one knows how to cook it properly or they just can't be bothered taking the time to do it right.

I finally got SFC to like it though we found out that she's not that big a rice fan but that is slowly changing.
I like to make brown rice rissotto.
Sure its not traditional but it absorbs flavours well and is really good for you.
Plus it adds a nice nutty quality to the meal which I like.

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 11:21 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
MY mother makes a mean Dried Mushroom Risotto

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 3:28 am
by SciFiFisher
geonuc wrote:I thought we needed a taco moment.

Would you like to tacoabout it?
Or would you prefer to say the jalapeno with it?

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 4:40 am
by code monkey
SciFiFisher wrote:
geonuc wrote:I thought we needed a taco moment.

Would you like to tacoabout it?
Or would you prefer to say the jalapeno with it?

groan. satisfied? you *should* be ashamed of yourself.

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 11:38 am
by Sigma_Orionis
Fisher is a Stinker! Fisher is a Stinker! Fisher is a Stinker! :cheer:

Now he'll complain to brite at dinner time that I'm calling him names in his best "Jewish Mom" voice.......

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 4:15 pm
by Loresinger
I do not have a picture (sorry have no idea how to use a phone camera)
but I took pork loin and my bbq rub and let it sit for a day - we deep fried that sucker to medium and had boiled cabbage with butter.

This morning made Iky bbq bacon out of the remains

gotta tell you even I'm impressed .. outstanding flavor, tenderness and crunch

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 2:30 am
by code monkey
Sigma_Orionis wrote:Fisher is a Stinker! Fisher is a Stinker! Fisher is a Stinker! :cheer:

Now he'll complain to brite at dinner time that I'm calling him names in his best "Jewish Mom" voice.......

sigma, i've met fisher. he doesn't have one. in fact i had the sense that he doesn't complain.

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 3:43 am
by SciFiFisher
code monkey wrote:
Sigma_Orionis wrote:Fisher is a Stinker! Fisher is a Stinker! Fisher is a Stinker! :cheer:

Now he'll complain to brite at dinner time that I'm calling him names in his best "Jewish Mom" voice.......

sigma, i've met fisher. he doesn't have one. in fact i had the sense that he doesn't complain.

I can do a credible Jewish Guilt trip on demand. ;)

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 4:07 pm
I had a weird dream the other night where I had to defend some Jewish friends from some racist assholes.
No idea what brought that one on.

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 8:31 pm
by code monkey
SciFiFisher wrote:I can do a credible Jewish Guilt trip on demand. ;)

excuse me, fisher, but sigma and i were talking. and i seriously doubt your claim. please don't take that as a demand. btw, i once worked with a former trappist monk who maintained that there was no guilt like catholic guilt. and those people who'd give their eyeteeth for whatever you were turning your nose up at? universal.

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 9:20 pm
by brite
code monkey wrote:
SciFiFisher wrote:I can do a credible Jewish Guilt trip on demand. ;)

excuse me, fisher, but sigma and i were talking. and i seriously doubt your claim. please don't take that as a demand. btw, i once worked with a former trappist monk who maintained that there was no guilt like catholic guilt. and those people who'd give their eyeteeth for whatever you were turning your nose up at? universal.

Get him, CM... he deserves to be taken to the woodshed!

Tonight's effort... Italian wedding soup, with homemade chicken meatballs and focaccia... It's cold... I need soup....

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 11:40 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
It will be fun to see Fisher get out of this one Image

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 1:52 am
by SciFiFisher
Sigma_Orionis wrote:It will be fun to see Fisher get out of this one Image

I'm with you. This will be interesting. :lol:

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 5:36 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
So, you produce and direct yer own movies too huh? roll:

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:17 am
by SciFiFisher
Sigma_Orionis wrote:So, you produce and direct yer own movies too huh? roll:

Oy Vey! Do I look like Mel Brooks? And let me tell you he's no orthodox believer. He probably would make a funny movie about teshuva if he thought you meshugoim would laugh while he emptied your wallets. Wait I think he already did that. He should be ashamed.

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 3:58 am
by Sigma_Orionis
Yep, I'd say you should be able to put on a convincing "Jewish Mother" act, although I must agree with Mr. Mono, Catholic Guilt trips are way superior...... :P

Re: Food Porn

PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 4:08 am
This thread is useless without pics.