I agree very strongly with Rommie, particularly that if you want to decrease the number of abortions then we should strongly encourage birth control. Unfortunately, many of the people I know who are pro-life are also against sex education, with the mindset that if you don't teach teenagers about birth control they won't have sex, a position supported by absolutely no data at all.
To squid's questions (as best as I can)
Some points before I begin;
- I don't know what laws we're talking about but I probably wouldn't support them
- I'm an atheist most of the time and agnostic at others
However, I am extremely uncomfortable with the idea of abortion. Bottom line is that it is an unborn human fetus and killing it can weigh heavily on one's conscience. Why does that have to be a religious thing?
There are no particular laws I had in mind, and of course these are only in the US. But generally, they are laws that restrict a woman's ability to have an abortion, either by narrowing the conditions or period of time she can have an abortion, by making the procress as difficult or expensive as possible, and by putting more and more restrictions and conditions on the clinics that perform them (to the point that many have to close). There is one US state (I think it is Alabama) that has one clinic left in the entire state. This makes it particularly difficult for poorer women who can't travel to the single clinic.
I also understand that many agnoistics and atheists are against abortion. In the US it seems that the majority of pro-life people are also religious, and hold those beliefs because of their religion, and many of the most active groups in the politics of are churches or have ties to religions, but I understand that is not a universal.
I have a question for you (you don't have to answer) - is your opposition such that you would be against terminating a pregnancy by an abortion for which you were the father, but what others do is their affair, or do you think it should be illegal for anyone to have an abortion, whether they share your view or not?
Also with regard to OT, what is _THE_ pro life position? Is there any room here for more nuance?
A very good question; I don't know the answer for sure.
Against, my answers are only for the US...
I think the position of the major pro-life political groups is that all abortions should be illegal, with a few or no exceptions. The most common exceptions are pregnancies begun by rape or incest, or where the mother's life is in danger. I have heard a few politicians oppose some or all of those exceptions. There are some groups that even believe that human life begins at fertilization, not implantation (which is the point that you are technically pregnant) and so would outlaw contraceptives that prevent implantation (as opposed to those that prevent fertilization).
The pro-choice groups have generally opposed any legal restrictions on abortions (as opposed to medical restrictions decided on between a woman and her doctor), but I think it is mostly a political tactic, rather than a deeply held belief. My impression (these are very much my opinions) is that the strategy of the pro-life groups is to constantly chip away at the right to an abortion, by constantly adding small, narrowly defined restrictions (eat the entire elephant in lots of tiny little bites), but with the ultimate goal of an all out ban. The pro-choice groups therefore have a strategy to oppose anything the pro-life groups propose.
Thus, the debate is completely dominated by the extreme positions on both sides, and has been for decades.
I don't know, but I think a lot of people would be comfortable with a permanent compromise in the middle, such as relatively unrestricted abortions in the first 3 months and then strictly restricted after that. I could live with such a compromise. I even think the pro-choice groups could actually live with that, if they knew that once they agreed to that, there would not be further moves to restrict it further. But they don't believe the pro-life groups would agree to that, and I don't believe it either.
By the way, my own feeling about this is based on biology. It is biologically incorrect to call the fertilized egg or blastocyst or any of the other early stages a "fetus". I think the pro-life groups have deliberately misused that term. I don't believe that a fertilized egg or blastocyst or an embryo is a human being. After about 3 months the embryo becomes a fetus (for example, the organs start to differentiate). I think that makes sense as the dividing line between non-human and human.