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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:32 pm
by Cyborg Girl
After witnessing a rather depressing conversation during lunch, I got to thinking about astrology and what the heck it is about it that appeals to some people... And realized, it's like a kind of like "religion lite," in that

- It is a very anthropocentric viewpoint
- It promises guidance in making difficult choices
- It imposes a semblance of predictability and control on a largely uncertain universe

So some people probably find it comforting, while nonbelievers think it's smug and annoying. Especially when a believer decides to start talking about how awesome it is, and most especially when they insist it's a legitimate science. Which, in context, is basically proselytizing behavior. Argh!

(Make sense?)

Re: Astrology

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:54 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
I don't think Astrology is smug and annoying. I think is plain and simple bunk. I still remember someone at BABB trying to convince everyone over there that Astrology was a "Real Science" because it had a lot of Math. THAT person was smug and annoying :P

Re: Astrology

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:38 pm
Bible codes are also true because they have lots of math.

Re: Astrology

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:44 pm
by SciFiFisher
I always thought of Astrology as an attempt to explain personality disorders. :P

Ares - thrill seeking serial killer. loves to whack people while on the worlds largest roller coaster. Usually impersonates a 4 year old looking for an adult to ride with.
Taurus - Stubbornly convinced that the authorities will never catch them. Even while they are in prison for the crime.
Gemini - Charming one moment and a snarling lunatic the next. Gemini will swear it was their evil twin who did it. Even when they are an only child.
Cancer - sweet homebodies who love to cook. You often find them living out the plot of Old Arsenic and Lace. Or running a still in the barn and selling "Grandma's liniment" from a roadside stand.
Leo - boisterous and natural leaders; who would suspect this forceful and charming feline personality of keeping secrets in the basement?
Virgo - Soft spoken, shy, and introverted. Such good boys and girls. Just ask their mothers. if you just happen to run into them everywhere you go pay them no mind. I am sure it's a perfectly harmless obsession.
Libra - It's all about fairness for this disturbed astrological sign. And it's only fair that what's yours is theirs. But, just to ensure that the scales are balanced they will happily leave all their unwanted junk at your house.
Scorpio- Don't cross a Scorpio or you will feel their poisonous sting. No really, these people often use slow and very painful poisons because they love to watch victims squirm. You can usually find them vivisecting a live fly when they are bored.
Sagittarius - Avarice is their middle name. They love the power of credit cards and unlimited spending accounts. Especially if they are your credit cards and your unlimited accounts. Some of the worlds best identity thieves are Sagittarius.
Capricorn - like many a spring lamb Capricorn can be found bounding around full of energy and affection. Often the affection is for the gaming tables and high stakes gambling. When a gambling addiction just can't be fed they often turn to other vices such as shit stirring and telling people what they think of the them.
Aquarius- This sun sign is often preaching and ministering to the flocks of people seeking higher meaning from the universe. They know how to run a good con and are often some of the best tele-evangalists. When you can't find them on the TV you can always catch the tent revival being held in the empty lot next to the Piggley Wiggley's. They do give you a bag full of dreams and promises in exchange for your cash so some people will think it's a good exchange.
Pisces - No one creates hallucinations and false realities quite like a Pisces. No matter how you try to ground them to reality you might as well give up and join them. Their universe has cotton candy bushes and chocolate water fountains.

Re: Astrology

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:21 pm
by Sigma_Orionis

Re: Astrology

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:51 pm
by SciFiFisher
Next up. Relationship advice using Astrology. Find your perfect match! :P

Re: Astrology

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:21 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
Another one like that and you will have to write a regular column on XOF......

Re: Astrology

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:44 pm
by SciFi Chick
SciFiFisher wrote:Pisces - No one creates hallucinations and false realities quite like a Pisces. No matter how you try to ground them to reality you might as well give up and join them. Their universe has cotton candy bushes and chocolate water fountains.

Very interesting to read after this past week wherein I discovered that my cousin thinks I'm impulsive and prone to flights of fancy.

I'm completely not impulsive. Anyone who really knows me knows this. As for flights of fancy - I'm a writer, so duh! Of course I'm prone to flights of fancy. roll:

Re: Astrology

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 12:37 am
by SciFiFisher
SciFi Chick wrote:
SciFiFisher wrote:Pisces - No one creates hallucinations and false realities quite like a Pisces. No matter how you try to ground them to reality you might as well give up and join them. Their universe has cotton candy bushes and chocolate water fountains.

Very interesting to read after this past week wherein I discovered that my cousin thinks I'm impulsive and prone to flights of fancy.

I'm completely not impulsive. Anyone who really knows me knows this. As for flights of fancy - I'm a writer, so duh! Of course I'm prone to flights of fancy. roll:

But you don't deny that you create alternate reality. ;)

Re: Astrology

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 12:40 am
by SciFiFisher
SciFi Chick wrote:
SciFiFisher wrote:Pisces - No one creates hallucinations and false realities quite like a Pisces. No matter how you try to ground them to reality you might as well give up and join them. Their universe has cotton candy bushes and chocolate water fountains.

Very interesting to read after this past week wherein I discovered that my cousin thinks I'm impulsive and prone to flights of fancy.

I'm completely not impulsive. Anyone who really knows me knows this. As for flights of fancy - I'm a writer, so duh! Of course I'm prone to flights of fancy. roll:

OASN: I find that people often consider it impulsive when you do things out of the ordinary or are capable of making decisions quickly.

Re: Astrology

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 3:29 am
by SciFi Chick
SciFiFisher wrote:
OASN: I find that people often consider it impulsive when you do things out of the ordinary or are capable of making decisions quickly.

I agree that when you do things out of the ordinary, it creates that impression. However, I find that people think I'm making decisions quickly, because those decisions come as a shock, since I don't share with them all the preparation involved before making said decision. :D

Re: Astrology

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 3:30 am
I make really really fast wrong decisions! :D

Re: Astrology

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 4:14 am
by SciFiFisher
SciFi Chick wrote:
SciFiFisher wrote:
OASN: I find that people often consider it impulsive when you do things out of the ordinary or are capable of making decisions quickly.

I agree that when you do things out of the ordinary, it creates that impression. However, I find that people think I'm making decisions quickly, because those decisions come as a shock, since I don't share with them all the preparation involved before making said decision. :D

You mean like the time you decided to abduct an Australian guy? :P

Re: Astrology

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 10:48 am
by Sigma_Orionis
Rumor says she forced him to marry her at gunpoint too :)

Re: Astrology

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 1:25 pm
by SciFi Chick
SciFiFisher wrote:You mean like the time you decided to abduct an Australian guy? :P

Why yes. Yes, I do.

Re: Astrology

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 1:27 pm
by Swift
SciFiFisher wrote:Capricorn - like many a spring lamb Capricorn can be found bounding around full of energy and affection. Often the affection is for the gaming tables and high stakes gambling. When a gambling addiction just can't be fed they often turn to other vices such as shit stirring and telling people what they think of the them.

You're about as accurate as the "real" astrologers.

By the way, I can't watch YouTube at work, but look up Weird Al's astrology song (I think the link below is correct, but I'm not sure)

Re: Astrology

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 4:08 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
Yep, that was Weird Al's Song allright. Never heard it before, VERY accurate and damned funny too :)