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taking stock

PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:54 am
by code monkey
this is the time of year that i spend some time in soul-searching; looking over the past year and my actions. i try to catch up on things that i've let slip, to make amends to those i've wronged in one way or another, to make certain that i've properly expressed gratitude and to meet obliations.

i carry an incredible debt of gratitude to this group. you are an amazing collection of smart, thoughtful, caring people. yes, heated words have been exchanged. but, with perhaps a single exception, there has always been a reconciliation. you provided michael with so much enjoyment and you all are the ones responsible for his writing. you provided tremendous support after elliot died; people reached out to share their own pain. i am eternally grateful for all that you did for michael.for myself, i was so happy for the welcome and acceptance that i found here. i cannot overstate how much the support that you've shown me has meant.

at the best of times i tend to be impatient and have a weakness for sarcasm. these have not been the best of times. i have approached people i was less than gracious to. please, send me a pm if you were irked by something that i said but i've not contacted you. i would like to make amends.

may you and yours be inscribed in the book of life for a joyous, happy, healthy year.


Re: taking stock

PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 5:45 am
by brite
L'שנה טובה

And for those who don't read Hebrew.... that would read....
L'Shana Tova - For a Good Year....

We have had our share of crap, this year (PLEASE GODDESS! Let the crap end, already!) But I think that now that the new years are beginning... (the Pagan one isn't all that far off... you have your Halloween costumes picked out.... right??) We can start looking forward to something better....

CM... You, my love, have given us all something wonderful. Yourself. Don't ever think that isn't a great gift. Michael knew what a gift that was...

Much love to you, this Rosh HaShanah...

(and this goes for you too, GJ...)

Re: taking stock

PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:46 am
by geonuc
code monkey the best of times i tend to be impatient and have a weakness for sarcasm. these have not been the best of times. i have approached people i was less than gracious to. please, send me a pm if you were irked by something that i said but i've not contacted you. i would like to make amends. ...

Weakness for sarcasm? My dear, fluency in sarcasm is no weakness in my accounting. An occasional lack of graciousness, however, is something we all fall prey to. I haven't noticed much of that from you, although I know some of your real-world human interactions in the past year have been trying.

I've been irked by just about every regular member of this group at one time or another, and I'm sure I've returned the favor. Yet here we are. Here I am. Speaks volumes.

Re: taking stock

PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 12:39 pm
by Loresinger
CM you would have to do something really really REALLY terrible to make me ever think ill of you in any way. You have been an ear and eyes when I could not see or hear for myself and needed perspective, and so much more. You reached out to our entire community offering good ideas, advice and giving us a piece of Michael we would not have otherwise ever known. Gratitude doesn't begin to cover all the words I could use in this post but if I say more those damn allergies will start mucking up my eyes

Re: taking stock

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:07 am
by code monkey
thank you all.

brite, go to the head of the class. now here is a bit more detail. it is held that if one has wronged another person one must settle matters with that person. the 10 day period from rosh hashanah through yom kippur represents the last chance to make amends - wrt interpersonal relations - for the past year. your kindness is overwhelming. however i feel that this group is my gift.

geonuc, i'm inclined to agree to an extent. sarcasm, especially in writing, is easily missed, even by experts. just the other day i posted a response to someone rather skilled at it. unfortunately, i must not have quite made my point or we were both off because it was taken seriously as criticism.

loresinger, thank you. but know that you all gave me a piece of michael that wouldn't have existed without you.

Re: taking stock

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:08 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
code monkey wrote:geonuc, i'm inclined to agree to an extent. sarcasm, especially in writing, is easily missed, even by experts. just the other day i posted a response to someone rather skilled at it. unfortunately, i must not have quite made my point or we were both off because it was taken seriously as criticism.

Sometmes Smilies help :D

Re: taking stock

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:30 pm
by Rommie
I confess I love this time of year just because when I realize it's the beginning of the Jewish new year it prompts me to message all my old Jewish friends who I haven't talked to in too long and see what they're doing. And they always respond because lost connections is something everyone always wants to work on!

I probably just need to start doing the annual soul-searching on my own cause it seems therapeutic- maybe at the same time of year just cause then my friends know why the hell I'm doing it then. :)

And I'm glad you're in our community, code monkey. I have always appreciated your comments.

Re: taking stock

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 1:15 pm
by Yosh
You worry too much. ;)

Re: taking stock

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 3:04 pm
by SciFiFisher
Yosh wrote:You worry too much. ;)

Doesn't that come with the job description? :P

Re: taking stock

PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 1:12 am
by SciFi Chick
I've obviously been unable to post for awhile, but today, we added tethering to our phone, so I can now post from a laptop. You have never done anything to offend me code monkey. I only hope that I can say the same, because I have the reputation of pissing off every member of FWIS at least once, and the ones who get through it fit into this community. Don't yet know if that's a good thing or not, but it's why Ikyoto made me a moderator. :shock:

Re: taking stock

PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 3:17 am
by Sigma_Orionis
SciFi Chick wrote:I......... because I have the reputation of pissing off every member of FWIS at least once, and the ones who get through it fit into this community. Don't yet know if that's a good thing or not, but it's why Ikyoto made me a moderator. :shock:

You never managed to piss me off :P

Re: taking stock

PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 11:58 am
by SciFi Chick
Sigma_Orionis wrote:
SciFi Chick wrote:I......... because I have the reputation of pissing off every member of FWIS at least once, and the ones who get through it fit into this community. Don't yet know if that's a good thing or not, but it's why Ikyoto made me a moderator. :shock:

You never managed to piss me off :P

Truth be told, I never try to piss anyone off. Glad to know someone doesn't find me annoying when I'm on a tear. :mrgreen:

Re: taking stock

PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 2:04 pm
by gethen
I thought friends were the people that you could piss off once in a while and not worry that you'd lose them. I guess they're also the ones that you made a point of apologizing to for the same reason.

Re: taking stock

PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:22 pm
by geonuc
gethen wrote:I thought friends were the people that you could piss off once in a while and not worry that you'd lose them. I guess they're also the ones that you made a point of apologizing to for the same reason.

Yes. Pissing off people you don't care about is not a problem.

Re: taking stock

PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:37 am
by code monkey
thanks, everyone, for the things you said but, more importantly, for taking my request seriously. for me, fall has always been the time of new beginnings. classes start and one has that clean notebook, anything's possible feeling. a fresh start. look back to plan for the future. fix what you can but move ahead with the advantage of lessons learned.

sfc, my sister's known as hurricane genie so i look at you on a tear with amazement and not a little admiration. (where does she get the energy?)

gethen, that's exactly it. you know that they'll understand but you can't take them for granted. i had a friend who just couldn't apologize for anything. she could never admit to fault no matter what. i no longer see her.

yosh, i think that i worry just enough.

Re: taking stock

PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 3:57 pm
I just can't even imagine you ever pissing anyone off CM.

Re: taking stock

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 4:22 am
by code monkey
FZR1KG wrote:I just can't even imagine you ever pissing anyone off CM.

thanks, fz. i try not to.

on the other hand, you might want to check with ikyoto's friend, tiger, or some of the dedicated smokers at the fwis fry.