I recognize the value of universal access to useful knowledge, but I have to wonder about the wisdom of making shit like this publicly available:
[WARNING, extremely NSFW link]
When blithering idiots like "Jonathan Price" take it as gospel truth.
I don't doubt that it's useful to archive Nazi agit-prop for scholarly and educational reasons; but you could say the same of e.g. the knowledge of how to make a fertilizer bomb, and it would still get a lot of people killed if you made it easy to come by. I'm not pro-censorship, much less pro-forgetting-the-atrocities-of-the-past; but the ugly truth here is that some people are gullible, stupid, and/or looking for an excuse to do something nasty, and will glom right onto such ideas.
Is there any reasonable way to keep dangerous concepts out of the hands of stupid people?