Sigma_Orionis wrote:Yeah I read about that, whomever came up with the names is a class A bastard, yes, they were pretty insulting and Asiana (or at the very least the crew of the plane) sure had the right to raise a ruckus about it (i doubt very much that the suit will prosper though), the sad part is that I still laughed my guts off.
FZR1KG wrote:You've all already been told who did it, Sum Yang gai.
grapes wrote:Great Britain's Home Secretary Theresa May has asked for the radical Islamist organisation Boko Haram to be banned under terrorism laws. As part of its in-depth reportage, XOF will explain what all this means.
Boko Haram means "western education is sinful (and all adherents deserve enduring death)". You can't type it into Google Translate, however, because it's an amalgam of a couple languages. It's a nickname for جماعة اهل السنة للدعوة والجهاد , which is translated as "People Committed to the Propagation of the Prophet's Teachings and Jihad". Haram is perfectly good Arabic ( مذنب )for "sinful," but Boko is a Hausa word for "alphabet", derived from the English "book". It could just as easily have come from "bok" which in Afrikaans means "goat" ("springbok"), or in Turkish means "shit", and a similar ultimate meaning would derive. An easy mnemonic then is a *backwards* "harem book," which kinda all makes sense, when you think about it, right? A Boko Haram group recently burned a school and slaughtered the children.
gethen wrote:Thank you soooo much for clearing that up, Grapes. Somewhere, in some heretofore unknown dimension, Mike is laughing his ass off.
gethen wrote:Thank you soooo much for clearing that up, Grapes. Somewhere, in some heretofore unknown dimension, Mike is laughing his ass off.
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