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New job

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:55 pm
by Swift
Not for me, but for Mrs. Swift. She's been unemployed pretty close to two years now. She got "laid off" from her old job; that wasn't a completely bad thing, as it was not a great place to work. That was shortly after her mom passed, so she concentrated on dealing with her estate. After that was settled she started looking a little over a year ago, but then since she no longer worked 10 minutes from our old place, we decided to move closer to my work and she dealt with a lot of all that. She's been looking again since last fall and its been a slow go - economy (HR is particularly hard hit with that), she now has a big gap in her resume, holidays no one wants to deal with hiring people, but things have picked up since the start of the year.

She just got an offer for a new job and took it. Its only temp (probably 8 weeks) and only part time (25 hours a week), but it is in recruiting (which is what she likes to do most) and it seems like a very nice company (some kind of software/web outfit). They seem to be growing, so I suspect it might not end up being temp. She talked them into a $1 more per hour than they offered, and its only a 20 minute commute.

Even if it is only temp, the money is good and it will be a nice gap filler.

She did tell me one funny thing last night - she needs to get more clothes. They told her this is a very casual place - not business casual, but casual, jeans and t-shirts. She has lots of suits and nice dresses and business casual, but she doesn't have enough crappy clothes for the new job. So she needs to go shopping for jeans. :roll: :shock: :? :o

Re: New job

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 4:00 pm
by Sigma_Orionis
Good News Indeed

Re: New job

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 4:05 pm
by Swift
By the way, here is the description of the company, from their website
Creating a Smarter OE Parts Marketplace.

OEC® is an award-winning technology leader and innovator of original equipment (OE) replacement parts solutions. As the automotive industry's largest OE parts marketplace, OEC connects more than 60,000 North American buyers and sellers to seamlessly market, manage, and move an average of over 6 million original equipment parts transactions monthly.

Apparently they don't make the replacement parts, the make the software and such ("the solutions") for the people who make them and buy them to connect.

Re: New job

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 4:25 pm
by Rommie
Congrats to her! Hope it goes well. :)

Re: New job

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 2:32 am
by code monkey
i'm more than a little late to the party but it's still wonderful news!

Re: New job

PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:49 pm
by SciFiFisher
Will she be able to keep you in good micro brewery beer now? :P