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An update on my life.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:55 pm
by Rebis
Hi everyone:

Formerly "Buttercup" here. My previous account is inaccessible it seems.

First, I want to apologize for having bombarded you all about 1-1/2 years ago now (?) with personal troubles. But thanks for listening and feedback.

Since then, I've finished writing a novel which I'm now typing (and editing), and am also writing a 2nd novel as well. In May 2012 I began using Twitter, filled out profile. Next day I went to Follow various science accounts and a couple of celebrities. I went to take a 15-minute coffee break after clicking "Follow" on Clive Barker...and upon returning I get notice that he is Following me!! :D

Clive and I have struck up a friendship, and he's definitely supportive/encouraging of my writing. :cheer:

I've been a fan of Clive's since "Hellraiser," so this was WOW!! Still is!

Also, just this week, I decided I need a spiritual element in my life and I've embraced the Pagan path. Low-key, personal, solitary. I am mostly attuned to Celtic.

I'll read and interact as time permits.

Re: An update on my life.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:41 pm
by brite
Welcome BACK! SO GLAD you found us! (You could have used Buttercup if you wanted...) Congrats on the novel and on the Clive Barker thing! :cheer: :pop:

Re: An update on my life.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 8:57 pm
by SciFi Chick
brite wrote:Welcome BACK! SO GLAD you found us! (You could have used Buttercup if you wanted...) Congrats on the novel and on the Clive Barker thing! :cheer: :pop:

She found us 'cause I sent her the link. ;) I'm just glad she decided to follow it. :D

Re: An update on my life.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:29 pm
by pumpkinpi
Very cool about Clive!
Good to see you here.

Re: An update on my life.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:08 pm
by Rebis
Thanks! :)

It started with this (Monday):

I was going past "New Age" section of bookstore, and that Tarot caught my eye (except my box's cover features its Queen of Cups). Picked it up.

Then I saw this, and decided I wanted it too. The allure, my past (reading) familiarity with Paganism. It drew me, so I also purchased it: ... er_med.JPG

I also noticed this (click on image to enlarge it):

But left the store with the previous two (which I've yet to open - all things in good time, right?).

Yet I kept thinking of The Wildwood Tarot, an hour later went back for it. While sitting and contemplating that spectacular cover, being drawn in and etc.; a short while later I thought "Yes, I'm in." :)

Re: An update on my life.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 2:54 pm
by Rebis
Rebis wrote:I also noticed this (click on image to enlarge it):

But left the store with the previous two (which I've yet to open - all things in good time, right?).

Yet I kept thinking of The Wildwood Tarot, an hour later went back for it...

I do love this Tarot, and have begun reading/meditating.

But I'm sad to say there are noticeable errors in both card(s) and book. I can easily overlook them.

In the card "The Ancestor" (photo in link above), the moon's phase is incorrect for it supposedly being in a pre-dawn sky. I mistook it as being an early twilight scene. Also, Venus is supposed to be near the moon; the book mentions it as "the morning star" and why Venus is included in the card. Well, I've looked the card up and down, sideways...I don't see Venus. Unless it's a big white dot touching a tree tip, which I take to be snow. :(

There are (according to book) two details in other cards which aren't evident in the card.

The Tarot is also referred to as Greenwood. That's their previous Tarot; this is Wildwood.

I'm only 7 Trumps into reading the book (despite having a long familiarity with Tarot; I do read the accompanying book of course, for its special nuances and themes) and wondering what other mistakes I'll find.

The Hooded Man description is another. The book notes "the moss-covered door" in the tree. Huh?? :( I don't see moss on that door.

It seems the book's author and the Tarot's illustrator weren't entirely on the same page.

Re: An update on my life.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 2:59 pm
by Rebis
Rebis wrote:
Rebis wrote:I also noticed this (click on image to enlarge it):

But left the store with the previous two (which I've yet to open - all things in good time, right?).

Yet I kept thinking of The Wildwood Tarot, an hour later went back for it...

I do love this Tarot, and have begun reading/meditating.

But I'm sad to say there are noticeable errors in both card(s) and book. I can easily overlook them.

In the card "The Ancestor" (photo in link above), the moon's phase is incorrect for it supposedly being in a pre-dawn sky. I mistook it as being an early twilight scene. Also, Venus is supposed to be near the moon; the book mentions it as "the morning star" and why Venus is included in the card. Well, I've looked the card up and down, sideways...I don't see Venus. Unless it's a big white dot touching a tree tip, which I take to be snow. :(

The Tarot is also (at least once now) referred to as Greenwood. That's their previous Tarot; this is Wildwood.

The Hooded Man description is another. The book notes "the moss-covered door" in the tree. Huh?? :( I don't see moss on that door. Two other minor mistakes besides.

I'm only 7 Trumps into reading the book (despite having a long familiarity with Tarot; I do read the accompanying book of course, for its special nuances and themes) and wondering what other mistakes I'll find.

It seems the book's author and the Tarot's illustrator weren't entirely on the same page.

Re: An update on my life.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 3:01 pm
by Rebis
Rebis wrote:I also noticed this (click on image to enlarge it):

But left the store with the previous two (which I've yet to open - all things in good time, right?).

Yet I kept thinking of The Wildwood Tarot, an hour later went back for it...

I do love this Tarot, and have begun reading/meditating.

But I'm sad to say there are noticeable errors in both card(s) and book. I can easily overlook them.

In the card "The Ancestor" (photo in link above), the moon's phase is incorrect for it supposedly being in a pre-dawn sky. I mistook it as being an early twilight scene. Also, Venus is supposed to be near the moon; the book mentions it as "the morning star" and why Venus is included in the card. Well, I've looked the card up and down, sideways...I don't see Venus. Unless it's a big white dot touching a tree tip, which I take to be snow. :(

The Tarot is also (at least once now) referred to as Greenwood. That's their previous Tarot; this is Wildwood.

The Hooded Man description is another. The book notes "the moss-covered door" in the tree. Huh?? :( I don't see moss on that door. Two other minor mistakes besides.

I'm only 7 Trumps into reading the book (despite having a long familiarity with Tarot; I do read the accompanying book of course, for its special nuances and themes) and wondering what other mistakes I'll find.

It seems the book's author and the Tarot's illustrator weren't entirely on the same page.

Re: An update on my life.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 3:03 pm
by Rebis
Rebis wrote:I also noticed this (click on image to enlarge it):

But left the store with the previous two (which I've yet to open - all things in good time, right?).

Yet I kept thinking of The Wildwood Tarot, an hour later went back for it...

I do love this Tarot, and have begun reading/meditating.

But I'm sad to say there are noticeable errors in both card(s) and book. I can easily overlook them and work with the Tarot, though.

In the card "The Ancestor" (photo in link above), the moon's phase is incorrect for it supposedly being in a pre-dawn sky. I mistook it as being an early twilight scene. Also, Venus is supposed to be near the moon; the book mentions it as "the morning star" and why Venus is included in the card. Well, I've looked the card up and down, sideways...I don't see Venus. Unless it's a big white dot touching a tree tip, which I take to be snow. :(

The Tarot is also (at least once now) referred to as Greenwood. That's their previous Tarot; this is Wildwood.

The Hooded Man description is another. The book notes "the moss-covered door" in the tree. Huh?? :( I don't see moss on that door. As for The Green Woman, it's mentioned she has "wild roses" as hair (in addition to forest leaves). Unless wild roses look exactly like forest leaves, there are no wild roses as hair. :?

I'm only 7 Trumps into reading the book (despite having a long familiarity with Tarot; I do read the accompanying book of course, for its special nuances and themes) and wondering what other mistakes I'll find.

It seems the book's author and the Tarot's illustrator weren't entirely on the same page.

Re: An update on my life.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:39 pm
by Rebis
I've just now found this online. Unfortunately the artist has only drawn Major Arcana: ... t-13138577 (click on to enlarge of course)

That is WOW. :)

Can't imagine the work which goes into making an entire deck, but wish this person would go for it.