During a rare several day stint where The Kid has been in town since getting out of school a couple months ago, she asked if I'd like to go climbing with her. We went up to the indoor facility where we first climbed several years ago that started her near obsession with rock climbing. I realized that even though she has been climbing all over locations across North America, this was the first time I'd seen her climb in years, the last time we were at this facility. The difference in her climbing was almost indescribable. The smoothness, the confidence, the technical know how. Back then, it didn't take her too long start out climbing me. But yesterday, she lazily warmed up on a route harder than I ever will be able do.
The roles had reversed. She was encouraging me when I was stuck or having difficulties. She also was confident enough in my ability to belay that she was able to attempt routes that tested her skill level. Watching her come off the wall, swing for a few seconds, study the holds then go after it again was quite a site. After I was completely exhausted, she went over to some friends and they decided to have a speed climbing tournament. The facility hosted a big competition last weekend and the side by side speed courses were still up. While my arms and wrists were so tired and sore that I could barely hold a water bottle, she was competing with friends to see how fast they could get up the 10 meter speed wall (about 20 seconds).
It hurts to type this morning but I enjoyed last night in several different ways.